Animal Foodland Product Promotion and Advertisement Strategy

The Animal Foodland is a leading organic dog food company which addresses the issues of Georgetown’s, Washington D.C dog owners. Its message is to make food that meet the dietary requirements of domestic dogs raised for various purposes. The organization also provides customizable products suitable for each individual case. In order to improve the chosen company’s sales, we will hold local area events identified with dog wellbeing or dog gaming show where Animal Foodland can talk about the results of its business. The organization can partake in exchange events and feature its item range and services. Local events can assist with expanding deals, which is an additional advantage for the business. Countless individuals go to these events, which will acquaint with Animal Foodland’s item and services. Choosing to take an interest in events will attempt to approve business thought and give it another shape (Kotler & Keller, 2016).

Sales promotions will be applied to call the customers and potential clients to enter the contest and win prizes (Kotler & Keller, 2016). This will stand out enough to notice possible customers and raise brand recognition among individuals entering a style modeling show with their own dogs. We will post photographs of such a contest online on the organization’s social media account as a form of traditional advertising. This will help to be noticed by the individuals following its posts on Instagram or Facebook page.

Similarly, we can develop the business opportunity by online competitions that will assist Animal Foodland with commanding the notice of the intended interest group. The company will request that its customers post photographs of their dog eating its dog food on the web on the personal page to win limited coupons. Additionally, it is useful to consider professional selling as the presence of a convenient medium helps the clients easily find and purchase the product (Kotler & Keller, 2016). Thus, we will sell Animal Foodland food online through different internet selling sites such as eBay and Amazon. These platforms support customers from all over the planet and could assist us with getting openness to the chosen dog food business.


Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2016). A framework for marketing management. Pearson.

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