Analyzing Effective Leadership Trait

Effective Leadership TraitName of Person That Exemplifies Leadership TraitCompanyJob TitleDescription of How Leader Exemplifies Leadership TraitDescribe if the Leadership Trait Inspires Followership, and if so, How
The ability to trust employeesTim CookAppleCEOReduced the degree of pressure and the number of inspections of its employees.The trust he shows inspires employees to work with integrity.
Ease of communication with employeesOleg TinkoffTinkoff bankCEOOleg always sticks to informal communication and is sincere in his words and motives.His simple communication inspires ordinary people to believe that they, like him, will one day become billionaires.
IntegrityPavel DurovTelegramCEODespite the pressure from the Russian authorities, Pavel remained faithful to his principles of secrecy of correspondence.Durov’s belief in his ideals and values helped inspire his employees to work under severe government pressure.
Ability to see personalities in employeesElon MuskTeslaCEOElon has always paid enough attention to whom he hires to work for him. Later, he often personally communicated with his employees, noted their strengths and weaknesses, and helped them with advice.The ability to build personal relationships of trust with his employees is an inspiration to the workers of the companies created by Elon.
Far-sightednessBob EigerDisneyCEOThis executive’s profitable purchases and development strategy have ensured the company’s financial success.Disney employees were always confident in their leader’s actions because they understood that he knew how to appreciate the hidden potential of a person or company.
CommitmentJack MaAliExpressCEOJack Ma failed dozens of job interviews, but in the end, he fulfilled his dream of becoming a billionaire.The example of a man who, despite numerous rejections, was able to achieve his goal inspires employees.
CourageMark ZuckerbergFacebookCEOMark was able to enter the market with his product at a very young age, not afraid of his inexperience and older competitors.This leader’s self-confidence and courage make young employees believe in their strength and follow a successful leader.
Personal EffectivenessReshma SaujaniGirls who codeCEOThroughout her entrepreneurial career, she worked alongside her female employees, helping and mentoring them.The example of a successful woman programmer who continues to work and help inspires employees to follow her path.
Communication and relationship-building skillsJeff WeinerLinkedInCEOHe constantly organized various events and contests for his employees, during which he built bonds with the team.His charisma and eloquence raised the morale and spirits of the entire team.
Love for his workIan KumWhatsAppExecutive DirectorHe continued to work on his project, improving and optimizing it even after selling WhatsApp rights in favor of Facebook.Almost all the teams that worked for him continued working with Facebook because they saw how their leader believed in his app.

There are many leadership styles, each with its advantages and disadvantages. The most common are leaders who lead the whole team and go along with the team. The most successful leaders usually try to delegate responsibilities and reduce the distance between management and the work team. This type of leadership is the most effective because it promotes a trusting relationship between management and employees and allows the boss to inspire workers by example.

A good leader must be competent enough in their professional area to constantly help and guide their employees. It is hard for people to be inspired and trusted by someone who is always in a closed office, and therefore the leader must constantly act as a coach for their employees (Cote, 2017). Employees need to understand that they can always rely on the understanding and support of their supervisor in case of difficulties. It can reduce the level of conformity among employees and create a safe environment for them to speak up, which is effective for the company’s performance.

Also, an effective leader should take an interest in the well-being of his employees. He must understand their personalities, strengths, and weaknesses and consider their long-term plans. People are much more willing to work for companies whose leadership understands and promotes their interests and plans (Gandolfi, 2018). It is essential to ensure that employees understand that they are valued and that their tenure in the company will not conflict with their global plans or goals.

To inspire a company’s staff, it is necessary to be an example to everyone who wants to achieve success. Good communication skills, altruism, a positive attitude, and a constant willingness to help others can inspire employees to emulate similar behaviors. A leader is always an example to his team, so how he presents himself determines whether other people will copy his behavior and spread it within their team.

Besides, for people to follow their leader, various team-building activities and other events aimed at improving relationships within the team should be held regularly. It is essential in the context that at events away from the work activity, people can get closer and realize that the leader also has his shortcomings. An idealized image usually alienates people because it exudes insincerity (Hunt, 2019). More open-minded leaders who joke about themselves and accept their flaws are more inspiring and motivating to employees, as it becomes easier for them to try on the leader’s image for themselves.

Thus, the philosophy of the ideal leader is to minimize the distance between employees and management. Creating a trusting relationship in which the leader holds his position, not because of regalia or hierarchy but because he binds all employees together, motivates them, and acts as a mentor, is most effective in making people believe in themselves and follow the leader. An image of a too distant or perfect leader is repulsive of its inaccessibility. Therefore it is essential to let employees know that the leader was not born to be a leader but became one.


Cote, R. (2017). The vision of effective leadership. International Journal of Business Administration, 8(6), 1-10.

Gandolfi, F., & Stone, S. (2018). Leadership, leadership styles, and servant leadership. Journal of Management Research, 18(4), 261-269.

Hunt, T., & Fedynich, L. (2019). Leadership: Past, present, and future: An evolution of an idea. Journal of Arts and Humanities, 8(2), 22-26.

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