A Stages-of-Life Interview with 72-Year-Old Woman

Every person on the planet requires medical assistance at some point in their life, and as people become older, their need for effective health care rises. It is interesting to talk to senior citizens about their experience with medical care since the number of older people is rising around the world (“Ageing,” 2018). The current interview was conducted with Mrs. Jones, a seventy-two-year-old woman who lives in her apartment in a city. Mrs. Jones has two children, as well as one granddaughter who visits her every weekend and with whom she travels together on holiday.

The first question involved asking Mrs. Jones about the effect of her stage of life on her interactions with the health care system. Mrs. Jones said that currently, the number of hospital visits that she makes is quite large compared to her previous stages of life. According to Mrs. Jones, when she turned seventy, she started to experience more health issues and had to ask for medical assistance more often. Last year she even had to spend several weeks in hospital, which never happened before, except for the moment when she broke a leg during adolescence.

Mrs. Jones also was asked about which departments or areas of hospitals were particularly concerned with her health. Mrs. Jones said that the primary problems concerned heart functioning; therefore, specialists at the cardiology department were those who provided her the most care. The doctors even stated a preliminary diagnosis of coronary heart disease (CHD), which is common among people who are older than sixty-five (“Coronary,” 2019). Nevertheless, after screening, doctors did not find any evidence in support of CHD, and Mrs. Jones was diagnosed only with high blood pressure and received a prescription for medication.

Another question concerned the presence of Mrs. Jones’s relatives during her hospital stays and outpatient visits. She said that at least one of her children always accompanies her when she visits a doctor to ensure that she does not encounter any obstacles or problems. Mrs. Jones said that in the last five years, she fainted three times due to her high blood pressure. After learning about it, her sons began accompanying her every time she traveled outside her house.

The fourth question for Mrs. Jones was about the involvement of her sons in her treatment after spending several weeks in hospital. Mrs. Jones said that her children had an orientation meeting with the doctor, where he provided them instructions on how Mrs. Jones must use her medication. Yet, since her children are usually at work during business days, Mrs. Jones has a nurse who checks every day that she takes her medicine.

The last question that Mrs. Jones was asked was about her experience with the health care system and whether she was comfortable with the necessity to take medication every day. Mrs. Jones said that she never had any negative experience with the health care system and that all doctors and nurses were always helpful and polite. As for the need to take medicine, Mrs. Jones said that the process did not cause her any inconvenience, and she realized that at her age, it was obligatory.

Mrs. Jones, a seventy-five-year-old woman, was invited for an interview about her experience with the health care system during her life stage. Mrs. Jones said that she received full assistance from doctors and nurses who helped her learn about the diagnosis of high blood pressure. Her children accompany her when she attends hospitals and even hired a nurse in order to ensure that Mrs. Jones takes her medication every day.


Aging and health. (2018). World Health Organization. Web.

Coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, and stroke — A public health issue. (2019). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web.

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