A Potential Crisis and Risk Assessment

This course proved to be extremely useful, as during the training the basics of early preparation for a potential crisis, identification and analysis of its possible components, and risk assessment were mastered. One of the outcomes of the training was the skill of ranking threats by their degree of priority and forecasting scenarios for the development of the crisis. In addition, the main important skills include the revision of the capabilities and resources necessary to cope with the manifestations of the crisis and the development of measures to neutralize or optimize it. Concerning the specifics of business crises, it can be said that companies do not always treat crises as chances, or new opportunities, and even less often use these opportunities. Meanwhile, having mastered this course, it can be argued that there is a readiness to act in case of crises.

On June 25, 2021, crisis luck occurred in the southeastern regions of the Czech Republic – the vicinity of the city of Hodonin and neighboring villages (Bhaduri, 2019). Hurricane-force winds uprooted century-old trees and broke power poles. In less than an hour, local firefighters and rescuers received more than 300 calls. The country’s authorities have declared an emergency in the affected areas. A large-scale search and rescue operation, which began the night before, lasted all night. It was impossible to use heavy machinery when sorting through the rubble, so everything had to be done manually. Due to the prompt response, emergency services from all over the country were quickly mobilized. In addition, two helicopters with rescuers and 20 ambulance crews arrived from Austria. Due to the Government’s quick response to the crisis, most of the victims were pulled out of the wreckage alive and sent to field hospitals.


Bhaduri, R. M. (2019). Leveraging culture and leadership in crisis management. European Journal of Training and Development, 43(5), 554-569.

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