A Knee Joint’s Functions and Diseases


The knee joint is an important and complex body part that constitutes the joint between the tibias’ condyles and the femur condyles. The knee joint is responsible for joining the femur, the thigh bone, to the tibia, also referred to as the shin bone. There are other bones in the knee joint alongside the patella (kneecap) and the fibula that makes a knee joint. The thigh bone joins with the patella and forms the patellofemoral joint.

The front part of the knee joint has a kneecap responsible for its protection. Joint capsules bridge the cruciate ligaments within the joint and connect the joint collateral ligaments on the inside and outside. The collateral ligaments restrict the movement of the knee in a sideways direction (Kenneth, 2020). Located in the middle of the knee, the anterior cruciate ligament holds the tibia in place and prevents it from bending or sliding forward. Anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments work together to prevent the backward movement of the tibia. These ligaments are responsible for working together to keep the knee joint strong and stable.

Common Dysfunctions

  • Injury of the ligaments – the ligaments may stretch or tear. It is characterized by popping, snapping, or cracking during damage.
  • Synovitis – called the stratum synovial as well, occurs when the synovium in the joint becomes swollen or inflamed.
  • Bursitis is a condition that is usually very painful and affects bursae, which are tiny sacs filled with fluid and cause them to swell. These sacs are responsible for cushioning the tendons, muscles, and bones near the joint.
  • Osteoarthritis – This dysfunction is the most prevalent kind of arthritis, affecting most people worldwide. This disorder arises when deterioration of the cartilage that cushions bones and joints occurs gradually. Osteoarthritis can affect any joint and may affect the hands, knees, spine, and hips.
  • Jumpers’ knee- this dysfunction is characterized by patellar tendon inflammation.
  • Patellofemoral pain describes pain or discomfort around the patella, kneecap, or in front of the knee.


Runner’s knee, or patellar pain syndrome, is a common problem among athletes and runners between 18 and 30. Patellar hypermobility, over-activity of the kneecap, or poor running tactics can lead to muscle imbalance and weakening, which can cause this problem. Research evidence has recently supported numerous therapy methods to get the best possible feasible results (Schulze-Tanzil et al., 2020). According to the study’s findings, this problem can be solved by patellar taping, manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, neuromuscular re-education, and orthotic devices.

Critical thinking

Knee joints are used in daily activities, especially when walking, running, climbing, and descending stairs. Individuals with knee problems find it extremely difficult to walk, run, and ascend the stairs. When climbing a staircase, taking the first step up the stairs with the unaffected or healthy knee and the first step downstairs with the other leg is a good tip for reducing discomfort or pain. A mnemonic that can be used to remember and recall is – good to heaven and bad to hell – is to recognize and identify that the healthy or unaffected leg should be placed first when ascending. When descending, the unhealthy or affected leg should be put first. Osteoarthritis causes are increasing daily, and as a result, more and more people are having difficulty walking and climbing stairs. The individual’s knee pain will be alleviated, and the risk of further injury will be prevented if they follow this advice.


Kenneth, S. S. (2020). Anatomy & physiology: The unity of form and function. McGraw Hill.

Schulze-Tanzil, G., Silawal, S., & Hoyer, M. (2020). Anatomical feature of the knee joint in Aachen minipig as a novel miniature pig line for experimental research in orthopedics. Annals of Anatomy-Anatomischer Anzeiger, 227, 151411. Web.

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