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Enhancing Nursing Practice Through Evidence-Based Approaches

Understanding Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a practice in respect of which an evidence-based approach is applied, both at the design stage of medical practice and in the process of its implementation. This is a practice with a high level of evidence, concerning which there is convincing evidence...

The Case for Legalizing Assisted Suicide: Compassion, Autonomy, and Ethical Considerations

Introduction Despite the moral concerns surrounding assisted suicide, it should be legalized as a compassionate and ethical option for elderly people suffering from debilitating illnesses, unbearable pain, and a reduced quality of life, provided that adequate safeguards are in place to prevent abuse and protect vulnerable populations. A complex and...

The Health-Illness Continuum: A Holistic Approach to Patient Care and Wellness

Introduction The health-illness continuum is an essential framework with significant implications for patient care. Instead of representing health and illness as two distinct states, it depicts them as points on a continuum (Hickie et al., 2019). Healthcare providers must embrace this continuum to be holistic in helping patients achieve well-being...

Analysis of New York’s Single-Payer Healthcare Policy: Accessibility and Challenges

Introduction The government takes specific actions to ensure the accessibility of health care services to citizens. This intervention involves the implementation of policies and programs in response to emerging problems and needs in society. When analyzing a healthcare policy, it is necessary to consider many factors that determine the success...

The Affordable Care Act: Benefits and Controversies

Introduction The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a controversial healthcare law debated in the US for many years. Drawing from week 3, the proponents view the ACA as a solution to the issues in healthcare because it helps improve access to quality and affordable healthcare (Caswell and Timothy 2019). The...

Jean Watson’s Theory of Care: Applying Humanistic Values to a Patient’s Case

Introduction Nursing education worldwide involves more than merely mastering the practical skills of the profession. It necessarily involves the study of fundamental theories that reveal the essence and uniqueness of the nursing profession. Jean Watson’s theory of human care occupies a worthy place among these theories; therefore, it is the...

Patient and Environment Metaparadigms in Clinical Settings Through Kolcaba’s Nursing Theory

Introduction: The Basic Four Metaparadigms There are four metaparadigms that all nursing theories rely upon: the concept of patient, nurse or nursing, health, and environment. These notions are global theoretical foundations practitioners, researchers, and students rely upon in all their professional activities (Suliman et al., 2022). Despite their universality, these...

Addressing Childhood Obesity as a Public Health Concern

Problem Identification Unlike in the past when obesity was associated with senior adults, excess body weight is becoming a serious health concern among young people. The average body weight of a child should exhibit a body mass index (BMI) below the 85th percentile. When the BMI of a child reads...

Advanced Practice Nursing in Louisiana: Regulatory Requirements and Scope of Practice

Abstract Advanced practice nursing is a critical venture that must be carefully authenticated before a medical professional gets a license and certification. In Louisiana State, LSBN is the responsible party that regulates APN practice. Others include AANA and AARP, which work hand in hand with the official board to offer...

Impact of COVID-19 on Nursing Practice: Policy Analysis and Recommendations

Introduction Description of Health Policy Issue The health policy issue being addressed in this research is the impact of COVID-19 on the nursing practice. The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected the healthcare system, particularly the nursing profession, in various ways. Nurses have had to adapt to new policies, protocols, and...

Postpartum Depression Screening: Importance and Effectiveness

Introduction Worldwide, many pregnant females and women in the first year after giving birth have perinatal and postpartum depressive disorders. Postpartum depression (PPD) is a global health problem prevalent in developed and developing countries (Kariuki et al., 2021). Depression may severely impact a mother’s health and raise the danger of...

Support for S.4204: Ensuring Health Care Access for All in Washington DC

Support for Medicare for All Act As a representative of a student organization concerned about access to health care in the state of Washington DC, I want to express support for S.4204, “Medicare for All Act”. This law contributes to the formation of a national program within the framework of...

Pulmonary Fibrosis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Understanding the Disease Process Pulmonary fibrosis is a severe disease that affects the human lungs. In particular, the disease appears due to specific lung damage (Meyer & Nathan, 2018). Noteworthy, the result is challenging and impaired breathing (Meyer & Nathan, 2018). According to Meyer and Nathan (2018), Pulmonary fibrosis is...

Expanding Furniture Retail Business: Strategies for Success in New Markets

Introduction Any business aims to optimize its operations and increase profits through its products and services. Two furniture retail shops owned by John and Deborah mainly depend on online catalog sales. The company is renowned for its outstanding customer service and excellent quality, and it has ten manufacturing facilities and...

Operations Management: Tactics for Business Excellence

Introduction Operations management is the set of tactics and practices used to streamline and optimize business operations. Organizations can use metrics and performance measurements to objectively examine their operations, find areas for improvement, and make data-driven choices. Businesses get insights into their operations’ efficiency, quality, and overall effectiveness by collecting...

The Stakeholder Mapping Process of Amazon

The process of matching stakeholders is essential for Amazon’s strategic approach to its work. The company uses it to manage business relationships, thereby improving its performance. This critical essay aims to analyze the stakeholder mapping process in Amazon and highlight the main components of its strategic approach and power dynamics....

Key Takeaways from Agile Implementation Strategies for Effective Team Dynamics

At the first stage of implementing Agile technology, a plan is developed with the main goals and expected findings, as well as a classification of likely teams. Three groups of taxonomy are formed when Agile is used: customer experience team, business process team, and technology systems teams. A “ready-made” team...

A Lack of Effective Communication in an Organization

A lack of effective communication is a problem for an organization, and five solutions were offered to improve organizational behaviors and help employees succeed in their performance. A measurement plan for such ideas as a communication strategy, an open-door policy, rules for fair communication, regular meeting scheduling, and role distribution...

Superstorm Sandy: Supply Chain Risk Management

Abstract A disastrous hurricane hit the East of the Caribbean and part of the United States in October 2012, resulting in more than 200 fatalities and economic losses worth more than $100 billion. This paper ties the supply chain impacts of the sandy to the various risks of supply chain...

Apple Inc.’s Marketing Strategy and Competition

Introduction Technological advancements have presented many organizations with business opportunities. Multinational corporations have taken advantage of the demand for technological products and services by producing computers and mobile devices. Apple Inc. is one of the biggest global corporations that has dominated the tech industry. The organization deals in various product...

Management Information System at Amazon

Amazon, a multinational E-commerce company, is the top online retailer, cloud computing and worldwide provider. Customer relationship management and information management have driven Amazon’s expansion. Amazon’s IT infrastructure is geared to manage millions of operations and more than half of seller inquiries and issues using Linux. The corporation faces the...

Researching of Equity in Payment

The perceptions of inequity need to be approached depending on the philosophy of the organization, its culture, and payment beliefs. Simultaneously, employers need to consider such laws as the Lily Ledbetter Pay Act and Equal Pay Act of 1964, which help prevent possible discrimination cases and motivate them to thoroughly...

Apple Inc.: Leadership Approaches

Porter’s Five Forces It goes without saying that the core strategies of Apple Inc. are partially determined by the necessity to address the business environment’s external forces. Identified as Porter’s Five Forces, they may reduce the company’s profitability, revenues, market share, and general business development potential if left without particular...

Walmart Inc.’s Strategic Evolution Analysis

Walmart’s Mission and Vision Walmart’s retail operation was established using suitable financial methods from its inception to its worldwide position in the sector. Walmart’s mission and vision statements outline the company’s essential driving principles. In this respect, Walmart Inc.’s corporate mission is “to save people money so they can live...

Cozy Vodka: The Umbrella Branding

Objectives and Customer-Based Brand Equity The chief marketing manager has to make objectives to find the new product’s name. They must determine how to address heavy liquor regulations that limit the promotion of alcohol. Another objective is to find a way to remain competitive by building brand equity among its...

Aspects of the Entrepreneurial Development

Introduction Entrepreneurial development may come from different sources, either from focused studies of entrepreneurship, examples, and case studies, or personal experience. Every successful businessperson has a unique tale of how they got started. This essay will focus on the experiences and skills that are key in my entrepreneurial development and...

A Professional Interview with a Project Manager

Years Worked as Project Manager Richard White is the project manager at Ecosolve International, which is a wastewater treatment facility. He has a Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering and has seven years of experience in water resources engineering in addition to 5 years of project management experience. Purpose...

Market Structures, their Relating Pricing Strategies, and a Case Study

Abstract This paper analyzes market structures and related pricing strategies and has a case study illustration. In business and economics, marketing structures constitute the networks linking sellers, buyers, services, and products to each other. Market structures work and interact with various aspects, including diverse types of competition, production levels, different...

Home Depot: Organizational Change

The Home Depot is the biggest specialized shop for home renovations in the whole globe. The Firm controlled 2,298 Home Depot retail locations (Repko,2020) as of the end of the second quarter, spread over all 50 countries, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, 10 Canadian...

Ford Motor Company’s Leadership Case Study

Introduction The management practices utilized by a corporation have a significant impact on its performance. As a result, the foundation of an organization is its leadership and management styles. According to the leadership literature, there is a direct relationship between strong leadership and productive companies. Leaders are directly responsible for...