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The Ethically-Informed Policy on Euthanasia

Euthanasia refers to a process during which a lethal agent is administered to a patient in order to relieve their incurable and intolerable suffering. Though the primary focus of euthanasia relies on ending pain and respecting the choices of a patient, there is still much discourse regarding its practice not...

Macronutrients and Micronutrients

Macronutrients are nutrients needed in vast amounts for human growth and development, whereas micronutrients are nutrients needed in little quantities by the human body. Micronutrients and macronutrients are required by the body to maintain healthy muscles, skin, brain, blood flow, bones, nerves, and the immune system (Savarino et al., 2021)....

Mental Healthcare Among Queer (LGBTQ+) Patients

Introduction One of the most discussed issues in the contemporary healthcare setting is the increased mental health issues that affect members of the LGBTQ+ community and the apparent lack of targeted interventions to curb the phenomenon. Members of the community still endure untold stigma and discrimination at home, neighbourhoods, healthcare...

Business Communication and Organizational Behavior

Introduction Employees’ perception of the power policy in the organization is determined by the degree of rationality, the adequacy of the proposed tactics, and the behavior of power representatives. Rational persuasion is the predominant concept of organizational behavior and shows high indexes of successful implementation (Robbins & Judge, 2016). This...

The McDonald’s Brand Promotion Mix

Introduction Large corporations involved in delivering goods or services to mass consumers must invent and utilize numerous techniques for promoting their products to the public. Therefore, this paper aims to evaluate McDonald’s global promotion and communication strategies. McDonald’s various target demographics, platforms, and management techniques are comprehensively evaluated. Moreover, to...

Osteoporosis: Risk Factors and Therapies

Risk factors present from Mrs. L’s history to the diagnosis of osteoporosis, and how they influence decreased bone density Osteoporosis entails a disease that causes the depletion and disintegration of bone tissue as well as a loss of thickness and calcification. This may render an individual’s bone to be delicate,...

Generalized Anxiety Disorder in a 27-Year-Old Woman

Mary, a 27-year-old, married, woman complains for the headache and fatigue. Mary endorses regular fatigue, sleep problems, early rising, as well as dull and generalized headaches over the last three weeks. She periodically misses work, because of fatigue, she cannot pay enough attention to her children. She has no psychiatric...

Leisure Activities at the Workplace

Leisure activities are actions that people participate in when they are free outside their everyday routines. People engage in leisure activities to pass the time because they are hobbies or to break work monotony. Leisure includes activities such as climbing, shopping, chatting, reading, and sports. Participation in those activities is...

Leadership: Theories and Styles

Introduction Leadership is a multifaceted and complex process, aspects of which are considered on different planes and from different points of view. This phenomenon integrates various cultural, social, and behavioral factors that differentiate leadership by style. Each type pursues a specific range of tasks, and the manager’s competence includes adapting...

Ethical Responsibility in an Organization: Case Study Analysis

Ethics is a crucial factor not only in managerial accounting but also in other aspects of a business or organization. Management ethics is a system of existing practices and knowledge aimed at the most favorable management and business procedures. It is necessary to comply with moral norms and principles, as...

Global Distribution, Demand Forecasting and Supply Chain Planning

Introduction Demand forecasting refers to the act of planning or estimating demand to guarantee the provision of correct items and in the right quantities to fulfill customer demand without surplus production (Datta, 2017). The term global distribution means worldwide networking and outsourcing of businesses (Unilever, 2020). Worldwide supply chain management...

Improving the Safety and Quality of Healthcare

Introduction The problem of recognising the deteriorating patient is a complex and multifaceted issue. The issue is conducted in five major steps, which include education, monitoring, recognition, call for help, and response (Resuscitation Council UK, 2021, p. 11). The current UK legislation and policies related to the topic are the...

Diagnosing and Assessing Mental Health Disorders

Introduction Mental health disorders vary quite broadly, with multiple subcategories of the known types existing. However, six core disorders can be distinguished as the primary ones. These are the anxiety disorders, eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (American Psychiatric Association, 2014). The specified mental...

Enhancing Learning Objectives for Nursing Professionals

Learning objectives play a major role in the educational experience of every person, especially nursing professionals. As a result, it is crucial that they are formulated in accordance with the established frameworks. The first learning objective presented in the case at hand, namely, “Students will know the names of the...

Impact of Teratogens on Human Development During Pregnancy

Introduction Teratogens are environmental agents that might lead to problems in human development during pregnancy. In general, they include alcohol, tobacco, substances, and medications (Valeii, 2021). Discussion There is extensive research that proves that teratogens are harmful to the baby’s development, particularly in the first trimester (Chung et al., 2021)....

Nursing Theories: Behavioral System Model and Its Applications

Introduction Nursing theories are models which help see nursing practice from various sides. While the real world is always more than any model, they are useful to improve the practice, conduct research, and educate new nurses. Various theories are used for those purposes, and it is always better to apply...

Opioid Abuse and Care Coordination

Background Opioid abuse is one of the most severe and widespread forms of drug addiction. The stages change each other faster than in other cases, the body quickly becomes tolerant to doses — this is the risk of overdose even after several months of use (Otte, 2019). Diagnostic criteria of...

The Future of Nursing Workforce in the US

Given the current trends in healthcare after the global Covid-19 pandemic, many national and regional organizations responsible for the functioning and efficiency of institutions in this area have thought about moderating and adapting their programs. For example, on the US National Academy of Sciences website, in particular their Department of...

Continuous Quality Improvement Regarding Infections

Abstract Reducing the prevalence of nosocomial infections can greatly improve patient and practitioner outcomes within a medical setting. Nosocomial infections are a major predictor of increased COVId-19 rates translating to higher mortality rates. The current report presents a continuous quality improvement (CQI) plan for We Care Hospital to reduce the...

Personality Disorders and Their Features

Several controversies surround the theme of personality disorders and their classification as, in many cases, categories overlap, making it difficult to define the distinguished characteristics of each category. The issue results in difficulties in the diagnostic process and a low level of diagnostic results’ reliability. In general, there are ten...

Eating Disorders Regarding Socio-Cultural Factors

Eating disorders are a considerable issue for many people and one which is discussed extensively in media and studied by researchers. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders outlines the three main types of eating disorders, which include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder. Each of the aforementioned...

Blenheim Spa Hotels’ Reward Practices

Introduction The type of reward strategies exploited by a corporation can significantly influence how inspired the employees are to work. The strategy impacts the organization’s performance in reaching out to more clients and providing quality attention to them. To get results with maximum efficiency and effectiveness from human resources, employee...

Impact of COVID-19 on Modern Workplace

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a profound impact on all aspects of society. The measures introduced by governments around the world to combat the spread of the pandemic substantially affected the work landscape, forcing the majority of business ventures to opt for remote work to comply with new...

Changing to Opt-Out Organ Donation System

The opt-in system of organ donation means that people have to actively sign up to be donors; the opt-out system means that everyone is automatically registered as a potential donor unless they specifically say otherwise. There has been a growing movement in favor of changing the organ donation system to...

International Expansion: Regiocentric and Geocentric Approaches

With the ethnocentric type, foreign markets remain for the corporation primarily a continuation of the domestic market of the parent company’s home country. The distinctive features of this type of corporation are the high centralization of decision-making and strong control over the activities of foreign branches by the parent company....

Talabat: A Comprehensive Business Analysis and Stakeholder Management

Executive Summary Established in 2004, Talabat is a global “q-commerce” online food and grocery ordering business. With a commanding 55% market share, it is regarded as the biggest and most well-known online meal ordering business in the area. The Talabat platform focuses, at its core, on connecting vendors such as...

The External Forces Driving Changes

The external forces of change arise from the outside environment. Political, economic, social, and technical variables can all impact an organization or an institution (Kaizen Consulting Group, n.d.). In these broad domains, the internal factors that determine and contribute to corporate performance ultimately characterize the organization’s connection with the external...

Systems Thinking and Decision-Making

It might seem more straightforward to concentrate solely on the matter at hand and solve problems when they occur. However, this approach does not provide any insurance against unintended or unexpected consequences. The way to adequately anticipate the results of one’s actions lies in putting effort into a deeper understanding...

Quality and Operations Management in the Business

Quality plays a direct role in selling and improving the product. It is one of the critical factors that the customer pays attention to, like the price. Very often, the customer favors one side, which has a detrimental effect on many companies’ sales. The ideal company strikes a balance and...

Tesla: Globalization, Supply Chains, and Transportation

Tesla is a widely-known multinational corporation specializing in clean energy and electric cars. It is associated with Elon Musk – a renowned inventor and businessman, who advocates for a clean technological future of human kind. The company employs over 100,000 people and is valued at 62.1 billion dollars (Trends, 2020)....

Alfred’s Landscaping and Lawn Services: Marketing Project

Value Proposition The Primary Market Review found that Alfred’s Landscaping and Lawn Services and its competitors Greener Fields Lawn Care and All For One Lawn Care Service, offer broadly similar services, differing only in details. These details create companies’ value proposition, forming the market segment they aim at. In the...

Researching of Unstructured Approach

The right approach to choosing a marketing strategy often helps a company reach its full potential. The power of marketing should never be underestimated, as it essentially sets the perspective for product growth and further development. It is customary to distinguish between two principal approaches to marketing, namely structured and...

Followership and Servant Leadership Fundamentals

This essay aims to explain the concepts of followership and servant leadership. The first refers to the ability to follow orders given by an authority figure, in this case, a military leader. The second is a leadership strategy aimed at benefiting subordinates while exercising control over their team, of which...

Restaurant Project in Dubai Healthcare City

The present paper describes a project for a coffee shop that will be located in one of the buildings in Phase I in Dubai Healthcare City (DHCC). The location for the coffee shop was chosen intentionally since it provides accessibility to a wide range of customers (Setting up Business, n.d.)....

Global Supply Chain Problem in Zambia

The purpose and significance of supply chain administration have developed in sequential with the growth of globalization. Multinational supply chains frequently connect developed and underdeveloped countries. The management of such supply chains is complicated by differences in the legislation, standards, economy, and rules. Developing nations, which often serve as raw...

Chevron Corporation: Expansion in Pakistan

Introduction Global expansion is a growth approach or framework used by organizations when enlarging their operations into new international markets. Expanding company business globally helps firms enlarge the market of operations, enhancing faster organizational growth, giving access to new international talent, and significantly boosting profits following an increased revenue. In...

Apple Inc.’s Demographic and Technology

Demographic refers to the population about critical factors that involve race, age, and gender. Lately, Apple is the recent tech organization to publish the demographics of its workforce, where more than half of the workers are whites, with Africans taking the lowest percentage of 7% (Miller et al., 2021). Asian...

Microsoft Corporation’s Corporate Social Responsibility

Microsoft Corporation is a giant multinational company registered and headquartered in the US. The company is publicly traded and registered in the NASDAQ stock market. As one of the premier technology companies in the US and the World, Microsoft is universally known by people all over the world as well...

STMicroelectronics Firm’s Sustainability Analysis

Introduction It is important to note that sustainability is essential for large businesses since it not only affects their marketing and brand but additionally determines their role in reducing their negative impact on the environment and communities. The given report review and analysis will primarily focus on the 2019 sustainability...

Roche Carolina: Good Manufacturing Practices

Introduction Roche Carolina is a division of the Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche that specializes in the production of highly active pharmaceutical ingredients and intermediate drug components. A special feature of the workflow organization in the campus laboratories is creating and implementing the 5S standard for manufacturing practices. The main objectives...

Lessons Learned From Dark Leadership Theories

It is possible to suggest that, when hearing about leaders, most people think of such persons’ positive features and characteristics. However, as shown in world history and by the example of numerous unsuccessful organizations, there is also the dark side of leadership. Thus, not all leaders only possess good qualities;...

Stress Reduction Techniques in the Tech Workplace

Introduction Stress is one of the most common causes of negative performance at work. Stress affects employees mainly because they are often engaged in repetitive tasks. The most common sources of these stresses are work overload, lack of control over their workload, poor communication with managers and co-workers, etc. Stress,...

Should Salty Pawz Lower Product Prices?

Introduction The business’s profit depends on the decisions made by the management that influence the workflow and the pricing policy. It is especially urgent for businesses connected with selling products, including candy and snack stores. In this regard, one needs to make the right decisions in terms of sales and...

Organizational Foundation in the Home Depot

Introduction An organization’s vision, mission, and values are widely considered to be its foundation. They are sometimes referred to as a corporate or organizational culture. In this respect, Džupina (2017) mentions that despite the difficulty to establish the direct link between these statements and company performance, the former mediates a...

Crisis Emergency Risk Communication

Crisis Emergency Risk Communication (CERC) is a concerted effort by health care providers and other agencies to acquire, disseminate, and share information during a crisis. The aim is to enable the general public to make informed choices to ensure their well-being during a crisis. A significant feature of helpful information...

Environmental Factors Influencing Susceptibility to Autoimmune Diseases

Introduction Autoimmune illnesses are becoming more common in the developed world than ever before. These diseases emerge when the human body is unable to tolerate the protective roles of antibodies and T-cells. Such defenses begin to destroy the affected tissues, thereby resulting in the development of such conditions. Medical professionals...

Medication Teaching on Dehydration and Hypokalemia

Assessment of Learning Needs and Readiness to Learn As Mr. Ahmed was admitted with dehydration and hypokalemia, educating the patient on the medication required for intake is crucial. The patient was prescribed sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim combination, and potassium chloride (KCL) to improve the symptoms and treat the illness. The patient is...

Researching of Care Coordination

Introduction Providing quality patient care is a key nursing responsibility that requires both appropriate training and morale. Care coordination is a practice that allows for sharing responsibilities among colleagues, providing valuable recommendations, formulating intervention strategies, and implementing other solutions designed to control the progress of work. In addition to the...

Amazon’s Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat Analysis

Introduction A SWOT analysis is a technique used in strategic planning that examines a project or business to determine its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Amazon is the company I have chosen to do a SWOT analysis on. Since its founding in 1994 by Jeff Bezos, Amazon has become the...

Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the Workplace

Introduction Sexual harassment is particularly obvious, and such behavior is neither tolerable nor acceptable. According to Siuta & Bergman, (2019), sexual harassment must specifically be eradicated from the top down in any organization. Employers may provide their staff with more sexual harassment education, which is quite significant. A company may...

The Starbucks Company’s Ethical Controversy

Introduction For an organization, maintaining good performance and maintaining a proper appearance supported by a positive public image is absolutely necessary. However, in the context of the present-day globalized community, where intercultural communication suggests creating premises for multiple misunderstandings, the ability to manage conflicts and address mistakes arising as a...

Howard Schultz’s New Business Opportunities

Discovering numerous new business opportunities in modern cities can be considered a complex undertaking. Nevertheless, increased air travel volumes have allowed entrepreneurs to visit different parts of the globe and realize that specific enhanced ways of performing everyday activities already exist. Therefore, I believe that finding business opportunities should not...

Funding from Liabilities and Profitable Operations

Companies can get funding using stocks, liabilities, and profitable operations. Liabilities are the total cost acquired after assets bought are paid in the form of loans (Cheong & Joo-Ho Sung, 2018). The amounts the company gets owed at a particular period are often identified as payables. Companies get more leveraged...

Integrated Business Strategy of the Successful Company

Sears is an excellent example of a corporation that has had a tough time in the last decade. Competition from rival shops, a failure to keep up with evolving technologies, and bad management are just a few of the factors that have contributed to Sears’ decline. A crucial part of...

PZ Cussons: Internal and External Environments, and HR Strategies

Introduction Since the start of strategic planning, the environment’s constant flux has made five-year planning challenging. Consequently, it is essential to comprehend the complex network of ecological and organizational elements influencing plan execution (Morgan et al., 2019). Measuring and categorizing administrative components facilitates the development of successful strategies. Due to...

Marketing: Aspects of Pricing Strategies

Every business needs to thoroughly analyze every aspect of its operations to stay competitive and be able to offer relevant and innovative solutions to enhance the quality of its goods. When introducing products and services to consumers, companies need to develop a sound pricing strategy to achieve success. Pricing is...

The Success of the Sony Company’s Strategy

Introduction Sony is a Japanese multinational that manufactures consumer and professional electronics. It also owns music services, film studios, and video game studios. Sony has enormous potential, capabilities, and resources to implement consumer services. The company has gained widespread exposure not only through its quality products but also through its...

A Reflective Essay on United Parcel Service

Several theories have been created by behavioral and social scientists to define the proper way to grasp and address the key to the success and productivity of an organization. These organizational theories describe various approaches that supervisors and managers at UPS may take to meet their leadership abilities in order...

Aspects of the MBA Class of COVID-19

The Yale School of Management’s associate dean, Edieal Pinker, objects to the notion that the COVID-19 pandemic has diminished the relevance of the MBA. Mr. Pinker maintains that the typical two-year degree remains essential. With the world economy rising due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the financial cost of this expensive...

Strategies of Development

Introduction On the basis of two companies, Procter and Gamble (P&G) and Home Depot, the paper aims to explore how OD strategies are applied to ensure efficient organizational changes. Being one of the largest manufacturers of home-cleaning products, P&G was characterized by centralized management, improved manufacturing, and the alienation of...

School Leadership and Management

Introduction In the modern world, effective leadership is mandatory for an organization or an institution to register positive results and progress. Like business organizations, educational institutions such as schools, colleges, and universities also need to have well-structured and coherent communication between school heads and teachers to enhance overall school performance....

The International Buying and Selling Process

Knowing the international buying and selling process is critical for understanding the process, its peculiarities, and possible spending. For instance, sellers usually describe the type of package or boxes used to deliver the product. It might impact the shipment terms or the peculiarities of the transportation (Geringer & Mcnett,2019). For...

Aspects of Participative Leadership

Among diverse cultures like traditional or individualistic, I would always prefer to work in participative as it is closely related to my personality. According to Li et al. (2018), participative leadership is one of the common types of management that allows the employee to take part in the decision-making process...

Value-Adding Support Strategies and Structures

Introduction It is hard to disagree that numerous concepts, factors, and processes should be taken into consideration when developing organizational goals and setting different strategies. Two of the most impactful analyses that should always be conducted before making significant managerial decisions are external and internal ones. Since a number of...

Kraft Foods Inc.’s Employee Data Protection

Introduction All companies are supposed to have an obligation to protect the integrity and confidentiality of their employees’ data. Consequently, they must exercise the controls necessary to ensure an effective balance between the nature of the data and the risks associated with access to it and its processing, storage, and...

Business Plan and Presentation: Retail

Introduction The business in question belongs to retail and represents an independent direction of banking activity associated with the provision of goods to the mass consumer. Branded clothing, shoes, and accessories from manufacturers such as Nike, Jordan, Adidas, Off-White, Gucci, Balenciaga, and others are on sale. This is a multi-brand...

Redesigning a Receptionist’s Job

To redesign any job, the human resources (HR) manager needs to consider the organization’s needs. Another critical step is to understand what the job currently asks for and which problems it has. Therefore, the first action would be to look at the current receptionist position and determine its strong and...

Strategic Analysis of Salvage Auto Industry

Industry analysis Industry choice I have selected the Salvage Auto Industry because it plays an integral role in making the rejected vehicles useful. For example, I interacted with this industry when I took my friend to purchase a salvage Audi at Insurance Auto Auctions. They explained that the vehicles were...

Donut Shop: Buyer Persona Assignment

Day in the Life Scenario Clients lead an active life, so they often have to get ready for work very quickly in the morning. During the day, they often eat out, as they have a busy schedule. Specific Objectives Among the buyer’s specific objects, highlight a high-calorie and delicious breakfast...

Sidewalk and Toronto: Critical Systems Heuristics and the Smart City

Despite the innovative character of the proposed initiative, some deficiencies in the project can be identified. From a political standpoint, the new infrastructure and especially the proposed digital development of the area allow control over citizens’ life to city authorities. The critiques of the project argue that “the project pursues...

Brisbane and 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games

Background The Olympic Committee has chosen Brisbane as the host destination for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The project involves numerous stakeholders to help ensure safe and reliable access to all amenities. Furthermore, the project consists of constructing and reconstructing the main areas in Brisbane, including the Brisbane Metro...

Sound-Level Exposure in Sun Coast’s Environment

Introduction After considering the main issues of the study, the next important step is to determine the methodological aspects. This stage is critical because, with its help, it is possible to achieve more detailed and informative results that will assist in highlighting recommendations for the Sun Coast company to solve...

Crossing Cultural Boundaries in Negotiation with Italians

Notwithstanding the ever-growing degree of globalization, organizational behavior remains quite culture-specific. Priorities, models of interpersonal communication, and the views of normal differ substantially from nation to nation; this gives birth to dissimilar patterns and, consequently, can cause misunderstandings in international teams. A way to smooth those is to recognize the...

Definition of Posttraumatic Growth

Introduction Posttraumatic Growth (PTG) is defined as “a result of processes initiated by a significant challenge to a person’s assumptive world” (Tedeschi et al., 2018, p. 6). Tedeschi et al. (2018) explain PTG is based on the idea of positive change following a traumatic event, a transformation that requires the...

Ana’s Case Study: Solution-Focused Theory

Generally, the efficacy of therapeutic models varies from one to the other based on the situation or problem the client is experiencing. It is important to consider and analyze the condition before applying any model in order to choose the right theory to help the victim overcome the issues. In...

An Effective International Integrated Marketing Campaign

A comprehensive marketing campaign is a good demonstration of the Hyundai Elantra award-winning effort. To improve brand exposure among the younger, large number of followers, Hyundai worked with Spotify and artists in LA, Miami, and NYC to provide customers an industry insider perspective of the area (Kartajaya, Kotler, and Hooi,...

Interviews on Employee Socialization Outside Work

Interviews The chosen topic for the assignment – socialization of employees outside of work hours – presents an accessible opportunity for in-depth research via interviews. I have conducted two semi-structured interviews at the Chinese restaurant ‘Great Wall of China’ for this study. The site is located in the city’s business...

Childhood Obesity in Media vs. Research Article

To find a media article on the topic of childhood obesity, Google Scholar was used. The search included the terms “childhood obesity” and “article.” The search yielded several articles that are up to date and can be included in the media article category. In the Medical News Today article, Whiteman...

Human Trafficking Awareness Among Medical Staff

Introduction The whole world community has been facing the problem of human trafficking and the use of slave labor throughout history, while human trafficking has always existed, taking various forms. Currently, human trafficking and the use of slave labor are one of the most severe forms of international crime. Significantly,...

Intra- and Interpersonal Causes of Mental Disorder

Introduction Psychological disorders may occur and develop under the influence of a variety of different reasons. Theresa Jones has a mental disorder that might be caused by several factors, including intrapersonal issues, interpersonal issues, and environmental factors. The case vignette provides an opportunity to analyze events from the patient’s life...

Quality and Safety Education for Nurses

Introduction The need to educate nurses about safety and quality service qualifications prior to licensing is highlighted by Elizabeth Cooper in her article Quality and safety education for nurses implementation: Is it sustainable. This paper aims to summarize the research process and the results of the article. Raising awareness that...

Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis and Impacting Variables

Mr. Dion may have bipolar disorder. An excessive alteration in mood, metabolic rate, and cognitive functioning hallmarks bipolar disorder, a psychological problem. It is accompanied by a significant cycle of mania and bouts of depression that are so severe that they result in dysfunctionality in the individual (Lockett, 2018). When...

“Mass Incarceration…” Article by Wildeman & Wang

Overall Theme In their article, Wildeman and Wang (2017) aimed to examine how mass incarceration influences health inequality. The problem for analysis emerged as a result of the issue that the USA is a global leader in the rates of population incarceration, which affects Black populations the most (Nellis, 2021)....

Measuring Quality: Healthcare Costs

Introduction The publication of To Err Is Human was a watershed moment for healthcare history, as it brought the problem of patient safety to the public. This milestone encouraged the development of numerous standards and interventions that helped improve patient safety. Wachter (2010) wrote that five years after the milestone...

John Stuart Mill’s Impact on Healthcare Ethics

One of the theorists who strongly impacted not only healthcare but the field of ethics as a whole is John Stuart Mill. He developed a theory called utilitarianism, which is an ethical philosophy that associates the good with value and the right with maximizing utility. The utility is worth that...

Nursing Staff: The Employment Types

Resolution of the problems with staffing requires analysis of specific aspects of the units’ work. First, it is vital to analyze the current workload and schedules of nurses working in the unit (Hakanen & Soudunsaari, 2012). It is critical to determine whether they can be engaged in the new project...

Pandemics Impact on Native Americans

The indigenous peoples of North America experienced a considerable impact on their life after the arrival of the European settlers. The first disease which quickly spread across the indigenous populations was smallpox which came to the continent in the 1600s (Chrystal, 2021). The standard symptoms of the disease included chills,...

Pandemic Ethics Among Care Professionals

The current situation in the world has posed a battle to the nurses against the COVID-19 pandemic. The novel of this pandemic has stricken the nation’s population, inducing an influx of inpatients and those in ICU, hence posing ethical dilemmas related to the roles of healthcare professionals. The pandemic shook...

Healthcare: From Sickcare to Wellcare

My definition of healthcare is different from the professional and personal perspectives. The main distinction is the focus on objective and subjective data connected with health. For instance, when a person feels good, it is the subjective view of being healthy. I am healthy when I am not disturbed by...

Promoting Telehealth Services to Rural Hospitals in Panhandle

Introduction Telehealth plays an important part in providing tools for improved efficiency in modern healthcare systems. The Florida Health Information Network was established for the purpose of integrating patients’ clinical data to effectively manage medical records and increase the quality of medical care. The network implies an architectural structure that...

Transforming Healthcare with Information Technology: Key Benefits & Challenges

Information technology plays a vital role in optimizing the operation of various fields of activity. In medicine, computerization performs many different functions, one of the key ones being reducing the cost of medical services. This is done by reducing the time it takes to serve patients, making it easier to...

Tessei Company’s Crisis Analysis

Introduction The purpose of this paper is the analysis of the crisis that the subsidiary of East Japan Railway Company Tessei was facing in 2005. As Tessei’s primary function was performing cleaning operations of high-speed trains, customer and employee dissatisfaction indicated low performance. The situation was further complicated by the...

Michelle Valentin’s Leadership Skills

Creating social value and reshaping the surrounding environment can be challenging tasks for social entrepreneurs. In order to perform such endeavors, these individuals often rely on various leadership styles that promote change and allow them to easily integrate the needed alterations into the company’s working environment (Al Khajeh, 2018). As...

St. Anthony Medical Center: Organizational Analysis

Understanding the Environment External Competition The competition will have a tremendous influence on the strategic orientation followed by St. Anthony Medical Center. As the case demonstrates, St. Anthony Medical Center is experiencing tremendous competition from more than 100 businesses that already operate inside the Minneapolis area. Redeemer Health and Rehab,...

Standardized Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injury Assessment Protocol

Studying how evidence-based practice teams work in real hospital settings provides an opportunity to understand how to identify, study and improve deficiencies in the treatment process. In the article “Pressure Injury Prevention in Patients with Prolonged ED Stays Before Admission” the authors researched the connection between ED patients and the...

A Utilitarian Approach to Infants with Down’s Syndrome

For the basis of the moral assessment proposed in the case of a child with Down’s syndrome, I chose to side with utilitarians and decide against the surgery. Utilitarianism requires one to assess the morality of their decisions based on the happiness/suffering ratio of the consequences (Maftei & Dănilă, 2022)....

Cultural Competence of Counselors

First of all, cultural competence is an inclusive concept used to explain strategies developed to ensure that counselors can offer standard healthcare to people of diverse backgrounds. For over one decade, the phrase cultural competence has become common in the medical and health training literature. According to Tummala-Narra et al....

Response to Health Inequalities in England

Introduction Problems with health-related inequality have emerged extensively after the outbreak of COVID-19. Ethnic minorities, such as Blacks, Asians, Indians, and other non-European British residents, usually have more health-connected problems compared to white British people. They become ill more often, are more affected by social or environmental problems, have less...

Cultural Competence, Teamwork, and Collaboration in Healthcare

Introduction The ability to communicate effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds is “cultural competency.” Teamwork and cooperation relate to employees’ capacity to work together to achieve a common goal. Regardless of their country of origin or ethnicity, everyone needs access to quality medical care since it is a requirement...

Social Media Campaign Against Obesity in San Bernardino

The Nursing Diagnosis Statement Taking navigation through San Bernardino, California, I discovered that the residents are prone to an increased rate of obesity. The obesity issue is related to fast foods, poor nutrition, and lack of exercise among the residents, as provided by assessing available data on activity and nutrition-related...