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Controlling High Blood Pressure

Introduction High blood pressure, known as hypertension, is a serious condition that can give rise to other heart diseases, including stroke. It is also known as a “silent killer” in the medical field, as it remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Beyond heart-related illnesses, high blood pressure...

Industrial-Organizational Psychology

Industrial-organizational psychology (I/O psychology) focuses on the employees’ working experience and the issues surrounding it, attempting to resolve them using psychology and research. The main distinction and benefit of I/O psychology are that it seeks solutions suitable to particular problems and unique circumstances. Thus, it can help to create a...

Bringing Emotions Into the Workplace

Introduction From a leadership perspective, emotions matter as a 21st-century skill since it helps organizations achieve a competitive advantage. According to Lau (2020), companies whose leaders have emotional intelligence can craft strategies responsible for supporting emotional work. Under such environments, such firms enjoy more supportive, productive, and energizing work environments...

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

Taking care of employees is an integral part of the work of any organization. This is due to the fact that human resource has the most valuable role since the success, competitiveness, and productivity of the company directly depends on the activities of this component. Thus, employment law has an...

The Future of Informatics in Nursing Practice

The science and practice of integrating nursing knowledge and information with technology to integrate and manage health information is referred to as informatics in the nursing practice. The ultimate goal of informatics in the field of nursing is to enhance the health of communities and people while minimizing costs. In...

Managed Care Organizations and Accountable Care Organizations

Introduction In recent years, quality has become one of the main topics of discussion in improving health care. In today’s society, the public health industry is defined as a market economy, which raises the question of financial incentives in this area. Moreover, this practice includes reimbursement issues for people in...

Meeting Patient Expectation and Satisfaction: A Challenge for Nurses

Learning Objectives Assessments are crucial elements of the educational process and can be divided into formative and summative. While each type has its specifics, both are closely connected to LOs (Learning Objectives). The present course focuses on instructing nurses on patient expectations and satisfaction. Learners will be able to comprehend...

Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive and irreversible neurological disorder that leads to degeneration of brain cells and shrinking of the brain, eventually destroying memory and other mental functions (Breijyeh & Karaman, 2020). It is a common form of Dementia observed among older. It progresses with time and in phases until...

Electronic Health Record Recommendations for the Alpha Organization

Introduction The purpose of the current paper is to make the necessary recommendations for an Electronic Health Record (EHR) for the Alpha organization. The assessment is to review the essential details of the organization and make appropriate suggestions as to which EHR program is worth choosing. In addition, the paper...

Patient Safety and Quality Care

Introduction Patient safety and quality care issue affects many healthcare setting and manifests themselves through wrong medicine prescription, long waiting appointment times, and wrong medical calculations. Quality of care is how well healthcare offerings for patients and populations enhance health-related outcomes and maintain current technical competence. This paper provides some...

Opium Addiction and Reasons of Increase in Deaths

Introduction The current opioid crisis is a major domestic problem in the United States. In recent decades, the rate of opioid overdose deaths in the country has quadrupled. The magnitude and depth of the opioid crisis in the United States is not hyperbolized, although it did not actually happen overnight....

The US vs. Norway’s Healthcare Systems

Introduction Quality and accessible healthcare services are fundamental rights for every citizen. It is the government’s responsibility to establish a healthcare system that facilitates the efficient and effective delivery of these services. Healthcare systems adopted by nations worldwide to provide health services to their citizens are different, with varying levels...

Personality Disorders: Causes, Types, and Diagnostic

Clinical & Personality Disorders and Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention (p. 715 in the DSM-5) The groups of mental health conditions that are characterized by atypical patterns of thinking, feeling, behavior, and inflexibility are referred to the personality disorders. People with these personality disorders find it...

“Nurses’ Work Schedule Characteristics…” by Trinkoff et al.

Title and Abstract The article’s title is concise and reflects the topic of the study, which is covered in the analyzed report. The drawback is that there is no clear understanding of which specific patient population is being studied, for example, age or health status. The article includes an abstract,...

Community Health Risk Assessment

With the constant increase in population, the healthcare sector continues to be overwhelmed, posing various challenges to the patients’ safety. In response, the nursing field has embraced an initiative to shift to community-based care, which is more effective in giving care and preventing chronic disease complications (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2019)....

Cost-Benefit Analysis for a Healthcare Facility

Introduction Cost-benefit analysis is a measure for determining the feasibility of establishing a specific initiative within an organization. Trident healthcare facility (a hypothetical institution) is currently battling with how to improve the quality of patient treatment and outcomes. It has decided to digitize the delivery of its medical services by...

The Training and Development of the Employee

The chosen work is Younas’s et al. The impact of training and development on employee performance in Journal of business and management, http://doi.org/10.9790/487X-2007042023/. The purpose of the selected article is to determine the dependence of proper training and personal and personal development of employees on their performance. The research questions...

Operation Management’s Role in Business Today

Introduction Operational management is the management of the process of activity in an enterprise. Operational management is a suitable option for companies that seek an innovative structure for streamlining and optimizing their business (Glock et al., 2019). Initially, in terms of the basic concept, the meaning of this approach was...

Amazon: Transportation Improvement Plan

Introduction Amazon is an American organization, one of the world’s most powerful online sellers of all kinds of goods and services. It is also a leader in the sales of mass-market products through online services (Blanchard, 2021). Amazon’s supply chain is a remarkable advancement in retail logistics. Amazon’s supply chain...

Preoperative Glycemic Management in Diabetic Patients

Introduction The introduction of technology into clinical practice made it possible to determine the patterns and trends of glucose level excursions, to obtain reliable data on short-term glycemic control. Appropriate glycemic control is a critical factor influencing the course of diabetes mellitus and the risk of its complications and comorbidities....

Heart Disease: Causes and Management

Introduction Heart disease, classified under cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), refers to any condition in which the heart fails to operate as it should. It raises the danger of cardiac arrest, cardiogenic shock, eventual death, stroke, and irregular heartbeats, all of which lower life quality and shorten the lifespan (Maniatunufus & Herliani,...

A Fall Prevention Program for the Latino Elderly

Learning Needs Assessment The learning context for this assessment involves patient fall prevention for the Latino population, whose needs have never been considered by fall prevention programs. The learners in this assessment include older adult Latino patients with a falls history. The lesson is a three-month program that will be...

Emancipatory Knowing in Nursing

Compassion is essential to the nursing profession, as it enables workers to provide the highest quality of services. Emancipatory knowing requires nurses to work on eliminating inequality in healthcare facilities and promoting ethical behavior (Chinn & Kramer, 2018). I have been in a situation where this skill could have been...

Role of Nursing in High-Quality Patient Care

Introduction The safety of the patient is vital in ensuring quality health care and recovery. Most patients do not heal fast or fail to eat better because of a lack of the required medical attention. To ensure that the healthcare services provider satisfies the patient, the healthcare department should be...

Ethical and Legal Decision-Making Practice Dilemma

Introduction This paper examines an ethical and legal dilemma in a nurse practitioner’s decision-making regarding honesty versus withholding information. Ethical principles, laws that may have been violated, integrity decisions, distinctions between legal and ethical reasoning, and advice for resolving moral discomfort in a dilemma among advanced nursing practitioners are all...

California Advance Directives: End-of-Life Planning

One needs to clarify that the Advance Directive being reviewed is the one that applies in the state of California. Its full official title is “California Advance Health Care Directive” (National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, 2022, p. 7). A sample of this document was obtained from the digital source...

Professional Nurses’ Roles and Responsibilities

Nursing covers the care of patients of different ages, backgrounds, and different social statuses. That is the basis of the work of nurses, as it significantly improves the patient’s condition during recovery. Medical workers are commonly known for being multi-taskers and are capable of providing suitable care for different kinds...

Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality

Introduction Nursing is the practice of autonomous and collaborative care for sick or healthy individuals, families, and communities. The roles of nurses range from recording patients’ medical history and symptoms to performing diagnostic tests, administering medication, monitoring patients’ health, and providing support and advice to the patient. When attending to...

Trend Impacts on Organizational Development Consulting

Introduction The implications of managing complex cultural transformations of various organizations and the dynamic nature of the work is a different process compared to what it was in the past. In addition, the changing nature of the workforce and the dynamic data have continued to demonstrate how organizational development consulting...

Vice President of Operations Role Analysis

Introduction The production company I have selected to analyze is Apple Inc. Apple Inc. develops, produces, and distributes smartphones, laptops, tablets, wearable technology, accessories, and a variety of connected services. iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, HomePod, and other accessories are just a few of the company’s offerings. The Apple Company has...

The Nakilat Firm’s Organisational Change

Introduction Change is one way that organisations try to make themselves more productive. Nakilat is one of the companies that has embraced change to get better at what they do. Some of the changes being embraced by the organisation are expansion, the use of new techniques to improve employee performance,...

Role of Employee’s Job Satisfaction on Organizational Performance

Introduction This study will be performed from my perspective while drawing arguments from different credible literature sources to provide evidence to my statements. Use of other people’s work or knowledge will be referenced or cited correctly to avoid plagiarism. The research is intended to add new knowledge to the existing...

Behavioral Health: Historical Background

Introduction Psychiatrists and psychologists rely on observing human behavior to diagnose individuals, predict actions, and explain feelings. Noteworthy, behavioral health is a relatively new topic compared to other medical sciences. However, there are significant milestones that have been made in the development of this discipline. Many theorists and researchers have...

Nursing Theorist: Dorothy Johnson

Introduction Nursing is a unique profession that relies on scientifically proven theories to improve the practice by positively influencing the quality of a patient’s health and life. These theories comprise an organized body of language that defines the meaning of nursing, what nurses do, and why they do it. Although...

The Long COVID Condition in a 12-Years-Old Student

Introduction The COVID-19 disease and its pandemic have impacted the world in nearly all spheres of human activity. It has changed how the economic, social, educational, and many other systems function. In addition, it has led to many tragedies as it took the lives of millions of people and damaged...

Human Brain: Neurological Conditions

Case 1 The analyzed case shows the image of the brain with the diminished substantia nigra. This area is full of dopamine-producing nerve cells, which might start dying in some cases. As a result, the person with this problem might demonstrate a set of numerous symptoms. These might include tremors,...

Legal and Ethical Issues in Business

Executive Summary This report suggests changes as per the identified legal and ethical requirements. Truth in advertising, data collection, and its privacy were established as primary legal concerns which needs to be addressed to avoid the occurrence of legal issues. Direct marketing to low-income populations, data collection, and transparency in...

Authority Impact on Industrial Business

Peptang Tomato Company has established authority in the tomato processing and value addition industry, surveying the customer needs to give the best. Authority can be said to be power and right granted to a person in a leadership position regarding decision making, assigning roles, and obedience enforcement. Being a founder...

Gertrude’s Character in William Shakespeare’s Play Hamlet

Introduction Shakespeare’s play Hamlet depicts the strategic role women play in society. At the beginning of the play, Gertrude, the deceased king’s wife, is married to Claudius, her brother-in-law. Hamlet is the son of Gertrude and the late king. Hamlet receives a vision from the ghost of his late father...

Management of Teams and Motivational Theories

Introduction When employees operate in a group, they can do jobs more quickly and efficiently than when they work individually. It is possible to lessen the workload by allowing people in various positions to work together and exchange ideas and duties to achieve the same goals. The amount of work...

Professional Ethics and Personal Values

Introduction The human service profession involves addressing the needs of clients from different backgrounds. Human service professionals are often required to interact closely with their clients to understand their needs and address them appropriately. Ethics are essential elements in the human service profession to guide service providers in executing their...

Drug Addiction and Its Impact on the Contemporary Society

Bachman, Jerald G., et al. “Transitions in Drug Use during Late Adolescence and Young Adulthood.” Transitions through Adolescence: Interpersonal Domains and Context, edited by Julia A. Graber, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn and Anne C. Petersen, Psychology Press, 2018, pp. 111-140. The lead author of the resource is a professor at the University...

The LEGO Group: Company Analysis

How LEGO Manages to Constantly Reinvent Its Business Understanding the Target Market: Lego Is Parent-Approved While children are any toy company’s main target customer, successful firms also sell to parents. They are the initial customers, who open their wallets to purchase the product. Recognizing this, Lego’s designers position its goods...

Charismatic Leadership’s Impact on Change Management

Background Modern companies demonstrate professional decision-making and problem-solving to avoid unnecessary losses and gain new financial capacities. Merger and acquisition (M&A) is a business tool for organizations to join under the same owner and structure to achieve success (Soundarya, Lavanya and Hemalatha, 2018). When leaders unite their resources, they must...

Professional Development Plan in Nursing

Nurse Educators A professional development plan, which should always be updated, evaluates a person’s present skill set, assists them in setting career goals, develops strategies, and identifies resources that will enable them to achieve those goals. A team member’s goals, necessary skill and competency development, and objectives must all be...

Melbourne Architecture: Rebellion Against Mainstream

Introduction The history of Australia and its architecture are intimately related, with many movements exhibiting the same events and characteristics. The nation’s colonial heritage made the United Kingdom’s impact on the state’s early building initiatives inevitable. Economic growth was starting to stabilize at the start of the 20th century, offering...

Chapter 8 of History of Modern Art by Arnason & Mansfield

The Book “History of Modern Art – Painting Sculpture Architecture Photography,” published in 2014, is addressed modern architecture and provides them with the basic history of various architectural designs. Two authors wrote the book, the late H.H. Arnason, a professor in the Department of Art at the University of Minnesota,...

The Financial Accounting Standards Update

Introduction FASB accounting standards refer to bookkeeping rules for private and public nonprofits and companies, particularly in the United States. Such accounting standards are used to set the rules and regulations for local and state governments. The FASB accounting standards follow the generally accepted accounting principles in the profession. Since...

The Importance of Strategic Management

Performance review is central to the development of a complex framework that seeks to enhance a company’s future performance. Therefore, large volumes of quantitative and qualitative data collected throughout the performance assessment stage should be thoroughly analyzed and attributed to various key performance indicators. Then, the company’s senior management should...

Hydrogen Fuels’ Effectiveness in the UAE

Abstract The present research aimed to investigate the role and effectiveness of hydrogen fuels and assess their place in the UAE. The research found that hydrogen fuels are an efficient and ecologically benign energy source with several applications and benefits compared to fossil fuels. However, hydrogen generation methods continue to...

How Bottled Water Impacts the Environment

Introduction Manufacturing bottled water is harmful to the environment, and the stable demand of customers supports this industry. The destructive impact is evident in the pollution of the atmosphere and ocean, where plastic waste impacts the ecosystem significantly. The plastic waste from bottled water leads to the extinction of more...

Pesticides’ Impact on Health and Environment

Introduction Pesticides are compounds or combinations of substances mostly deployed in agriculture or public health prevention programs to protect vegetation from weeds, pests, or diseases. Furthermore, they are used to prevent people from vector-borne illnesses such as dengue fever, malaria, and schistosomiasis. Typical examples include insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, rodenticides, and...

Energy-Efficient Lighting Systems

Introduction The topic of energy efficiency has become the most distinctive during the last decade. Office buildings, as the ones that consume more electricity compared to households, remain at the center of discussion. Modern architectural bureaus suggest strategies that allow halving the consumption of electricity through the use of modern...

Waste Management Across the World

United Kingdom Waste management in the United Kingdom is separate, and the administrations of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland are responsible for their waste management policy and strategies autonomously. This practice provides better operation efficiency determined by smaller territories under control. Nevertheless, the Waste Framework Directive’s requirements are integrated...

Pneumatology – A Study of the Holy Spirit

Summary This course on pneumatology is a complex and comprehensive examination of the part of Christian theology aimed at the study of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the third person in the Holy Trinity, just as important, equal, and eternal as Father and Son. The Holy Spirit is...

The Impact of Hybrid Devices on Energy Generation

In the contemporary world, there has been an emergence in the massive use of technology. As a result, energy industries have adopted hybrid devices to generate energy from multiple sources, for instance, wind and waves. In conquering the challenge of energy insufficiency caused by a single energy extraction mechanism, hybrid...

Four Noble Truths in Buddhism

The Four Noble Truths are four concepts fundamental to Buddhist teachings. It is believed that the first sermon given by Gautama Buddha after his enlightenment was the description of these four ideas. It is thought in Buddhism that living according to these truths is essential to stop the cycle of...

Human Impact on the Environment

As it is known, the anthropological factor plays a crucial role in the changes in the environment of the planet. It contains two major groups – flora and fauna, meaning plants and animals, and both those categories of the environment are critically influenced by humanity on a daily basis. For...

The Great Wall of China: Construction Engineering

The Great Wall of China is among the largest and oldest architectural monuments in the world and is one of the new seven wonders of the world, part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It seems reasonable to state that the language and culture of the country and its history...

Making Disciples for Jesus Christ

Introduction Discipleship is largely about relationships between people who believe in God. My plan is creating a Christian ministry whereby we, the leaders begin our strategy to make disciples for Jesus by meeting and getting to know those who are seeking discipleship. After that, we ask them to join a...

Aspects of the Abortion Laws

Introduction It is significant to mention that the topic of abortion is controversial, which is why there are discussions in society about the prohibition of abortion to preserve the life of babies. Thus, supporters of the anti-abortion movement try to restrict the practice of abortion. However, there is another concept...

Forum: The Logical Problem of Evil

Why It Is a Logical Problem The logical problem of evil is the question of the presence of inconsistencies that exist between the existence of God and evil. The argument is that God is omnipresent, supremely good, and does not like evil. The Almighty is omniscient and omnipotent; hence, He...

Ethical Issues of Selling Organs

Introduction Organ donation has been widely practiced in the healthcare industry recently in an attempt to help diseased people or even save them. The transplantation procedure is “a surgical operation where a damaged or nonfunctional organ in the human body is removed and replaced with a new one” (Choudhury, 2021,...

Sustainable Use of Energy and Resources

Introduction Bringing up a building is a very tasking issue for the contractors and the support team he or she works with. The most pressing issue of the whole saga is that the energy they use is at most perceived as a wide and unimportant usage of the scarce resource...

The History of Western Fashion

Introduction The history of fashion, or the history of the origin of clothing, is like a mirror in which the entire history of civilization is reflected. Many countries have made their own contribution to the development of fashion history. Many years ago, people used clothes exclusively as a means of...

The Cosmological Argument of God’s Existence

The cosmological argument of God’s existence is a whole family of arguments designed to explain the reason for the universe’s existence. Thomas Aquinas argues that among the things whose existence should be analyzed, there are contingent entities whose existence depends on other entities. He claims that people need a causal...

Bullying and Its Effects on Victims

Introduction Bullying is any systematic, intentional act of aggression or hostility that inflicts harm upon another person. It can include physical violence, verbal attacks, and isolation; these bullying forms may be different, but the consequences are almost the same. Some key bullying effects include social exclusion by the bullying victim,...

Architecture and Assessment of Security & Risks

Information systems security architecture is based on two components: information security architecture as a whole and the structure of the organization. It has specific features associated with the threat model developed for the organization. It takes into account the risks of virus threats and hacker attacks, leakage of personal data...

Importance of Methodology Section in Research

Introduction to Methodology The methodology involves the study of research methods that includes a contextual framework based on a coherent and logical scheme based on views. This section creates a primal road map on how to conduct the research and get the nest answers to the research section. This study...

Theory of Sexual Selection by Charles Darwin

The formation of intraspecific variations between individuals of different sexes within the same species is explained by Charles Darwin’s theory of sexual selection. The evolved “secondary sexual characteristics” draw the opposite sex and guarantee reproduction, but they frequently carry no useful burden and can hinder survival. This phenomenon occurs because...

Saturated and Unsaturated Fats

Lipids are oils and fats, with oils being the liquid form while fats being the solid form of the substance. The types of oils consist of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, generally known as unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats are considered beneficial in appropriate amounts and are associated with improved cholesterol, decreased...

Brain and Memory Processes Analysis

Introduction Even though people use their memory almost every second, few individuals know how it is formed and works. There are many ways to strengthen memory or clarify its quality factors. This paper will pay attention to memory formation and maintenance in the brain due to changes to the neural...

The General Principles of Conducting Research

Introduction Conducting research that involves human subjects is highly beneficial for society, but without appropriate regulations, it may result in instances of mistreatment and abuse. All such research is presently governed by various legal and ethical principles to prevent such a situation. Ethics have several practical implications, such as obtaining...

Africans and Their Descendants Conditions and Treatment in Colonial Virginia

Summary Slave possession rules have been in force in Virginia since the first days of the colony. They define the legal standing of enslaved people and their experts and facilitate communication between the two. Legal institutions of colonial servitude are established and defined in this group of laws spanning 1629–1705....

Rosa Parks’ Role in the Civil Rights Movement

Introduction Rosa Parks is a celebrated figure in the United States thanks to her crucial role in the Civil Rights Movement (CRM). The United States Congress recognized her efforts as it named her the freedom movement’s mother and the civil rights first lady. Rosa is best known for the Montgomery...

Ethnic Minorities in Ancient Egypt

An active study of the racial identity of ancient Egyptian society, as well as the influence of various ethnic groups on it, began to develop in the 18th century. In 1787 the book called Travels through Syria and Egypt was published (Sanders 2009). In it, the French traveler Count Volney...

The Starbucks Marketing Plan Analysis

Introduction Starbucks has been delivering specialty coffee and drinks to the mouths of diverse clients since its humble start at Pike Place Market in 1971. Starbucks began in Seattle, Washington, but in 1996 it went globally into Japan, and just a few years later, it joined the thriving markets of...

Leadership Styles and Innovative Changes

Introduction Organizations must adapt to a new way of doing business in the globalized world, which includes greater competition and potentially endless risks. In addition, organizations must operate in a dynamic environment where several stakeholders are bound together in complex ways. The notion of connectedness has been elevated with the...

The Emergence of the US as an Economic and Military Superpower

Introduction Centuries of its existence, the United States has confidently moved towards a stable military and economic position. In the beginning, the country was constantly at war, frequently acting belligerent and self-righteous toward other nations, bold in demanding its privileges and forceful in achieving its objectives. Today, the nation holds...

The Civil Rights Movement’s Historical Background

Introduction The civil rights movement refers to a series of activist undertakings, particularly for the period 1946 to 1968. During this time, African Americans were actively involved in the struggle to be accorded the freedom to enjoy their full political, social, and economic rights. The activism involved the use of...

The Beyond Vietnam Speech by Martin Luther King Jr.

Introduction The article “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence” was a copy of Martin Luther King Jr.’s address on April 4, 1967. The speech was lectured to a group of individuals convened by Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam (CALCAV) at the Riverside Church. The fact that MLK was...

Origin of Slavery in the United States

Introduction Understanding the historical context of issues is imperative, as the past always has a lingering effect on the present and future. On that note, there is much that people can learn about the current social problems in the United States by understanding the minute details of the country’s history....

The American, Haitian, and French Revolutions

The American, Haitian, and French revolutions happened in subsequent durations with each motivating the other in different ways. The revolutions had a great impact on world history not only politically but also socially and economically; directly to the involved countries and indirectly to other parts of the world. It stands...

The Divine Command Theory and the Euthyphro Dilemma

The divine command theory is a concept that primarily emphasizes the notion of God’s commands being the sole determiner of morality and goodness. In other words, something is good because God stated and instructed so. However, such a state of affairs raises the Euthyphro dilemma, where either God is the...

Hinduism & Buddhism: Discussion

Religion Religion is a set of organized systems, practices, and beliefs that relate to the worship and belief of a controlling force, including a supernatural being or a personal god. It entails cultural beliefs, texts, prophecies, worldviews, morals, and revelations with a spiritual meaning to members of a specific faith....

Information Systems in Project Management Initiatives

Pereira, J., Varajão, J., & Takagi, N. (2022). Evaluation of information systems project success – insights from practitioners. Information Systems Management, 39(2), 138-155. Web. Information systems represent an essential element of organizational success. It happens because of the crucial impact that information systems tend to have on resource management and activity...

Digital Technologies in Education

Modern society is highly digitalized, which is also reflected in the educational process and the principles of teaching and learning. Currently, digital technologies are increasingly used in education. This trend only intensified during the COVID-19 pandemic, when many were faced with the need for remote learning. However, with the spread...

The US Airways and American Airlines Merger Project

Abstract This report is based on the case of the US Airways and American Airlines merger that began in 2013 and was successfully accomplished in 2015. It discusses the challenges experienced at the onset and during the merger processes and the risks the management had to mitigate to complete the...

Project Management Knowledge and Its Importance

Organizational performance significantly depends on the successful completion of separate projects. The ability to accomplish project goals and meet expectations allows for obtaining both short- and long-term benefits for the overall functioning of the organization. Resources are essential in this regard since they represent the liability, accountability, and overall capacity...

South Korea Domestic Context

Introduction Impact of Geography on Domestic Situation South Korea is located on the Korean Peninsula, bordered by the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan. Strategically, the peninsula of the Republic of Korea benefits the country’s economy. Because Korea is smaller than its neighbors, it has spent most of its...

Polar Bears: Undocumented Polar Bear Subpopulation

Within the varying nature’s characteristics is a comfortable home for any creature known to man. Be it the grass savannah, tropical areas, ice glaciers, and the like. Notably, the world’s largest land animal and carnivore, the male polar bear, can reach two to three meters in length and have a...

International and the US Accounting Standards

The International Accounting Standards Board states that accounting regulations are a shared collection of concepts, standards, and procedures that form the foundation of financial accounting policies and practices. These principles, which have been included in accounting standards, contribute to improving systematic bookkeeping and other accounting tasks between enterprises and across...

Innovations and Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives

Introduction Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a new and rapidly expanding paradigm for both individuals and businesses. CSR refers to the manner in which firms and individuals integrate social and environmental concerns into their everyday business operations and connections with diverse stakeholders. Moreover, corporate social responsibility is often seen as...

Diversification Strategies in Emerging Economies

Introduction An emerging economy refers to an economy with low to medium per-capita income, and they fall in at least 80% of the world population, representing about 20% of the global economies. The countries in such category are considered to have not fully industrialized but they pursue those characteristics which...

Was the Contact with Native Americans Detrimental?

Introduction Although the first European colonizers reached California back in the XVI century, they began to actively develop land on the Pacific coast of North America relatively late — there were no material values that could be exported. The massive influx of European colonists to the west coast of the...

Race and Class in America: Black Reconstruction

The postwar period saw significant opposition to African Americans’ second-class citizenship in several country sections. Nonviolent opposition and civil disobedience against racial segregation and discrimination garnered national exposure as the media recorded the effort to abolish the vices. Many authors have detailed the steps that hindered or led to the...

Crawford’s The Last True Story I’ll Ever Tell Literary Analysis

Eric Milder has just come from his third mission to Afghanistan and has met his long-term friend Steve Millan, who became a lawyer in the United States of America. The two friends chat for a few seconds then stop to discuss John Crawford’s “The last true story I’ll ever tell”,...

“Fences” by August Wilson: Analysis

Introduction The intriguing play Fences by August Wilson centers on Maxson, the protagonist. Troy abuses his family and other individuals who are close to him. Wilson’s principal reason for writing the play is to depict how African Americans battled to exist in the United States, a significant theme of the...

The North-South Airlines Reorganization

Introduction The use of regression analysis in applied problems has a distinct advantage because it allows us to predict the relationship between the variables under study. This report examines the relationship between the average age of the aircraft fleet and direct maintenance costs. The essence of this examination is the...

Symbolism in “Young Good Man Brown” by Hawthorne

Introduction American author and short tale writer Nathaniel Hawthorne significantly represent Protestantism, symbolism, and romance in American literature. He produced a large body of work that explored the complexity and sense of guilt inherent in human nature. When reading his tales and romances for the first time, it is impossible...