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Schizophrenia Studies According to Christian Principles

Introduction Essentially, schizophrenia is one of the most mysterious and complex diseases in many ways. Schizophrenia refers to a severe mental illness widespread and well-known in medical practice (Kalat, 2015). According to Zhang (2020), the mental disorder often causes “obstacles in thinking, emotion, perception, behavior, and personality” (Zhang, 2020, p....

The Rural Concept in Mental Health Nursing

Introduction The concept chosen for this assignment is “rural” since it is of crucial importance for a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner. Its vitality owes to the fact that millions of rural communities’ inhabitants suffer from mental and other issues more than metropolitan area residents (Finley, 2020). Despite the accessibility...

Discussion The Mental Health Stigma

Introduction Nowadays, modern health communities that work with mental health issues are trying to destigmatize various neural and physical disorders. It is stated the most crucial challenge in the psychiatric sphere is the identified discrimination and stigma toward patients suffering from psychological and mental issues. To begin with, stigmas are...

Occupational Therapy: Traditional and Emerging Practice Settings

The Difference Between Traditional and Emerging Practice Settings In the sphere of occupational therapy, the ultimate goal of a specialist is to ensure the adequacy of patients’ capabilities to live a healthy and functional life while addressing their special needs induced by health impairment, disorder, or disability. Regardless of the...

Improving Medication Administration

One of the reserves for improving the quality of medical services is to improve the system of medication administration. Issues associated with the arrangement of the mentioned medication administration are a significant part of the unproductive loss of working time, and the fight against them, in addition to social orientation,...

Public Discussion of Vaccines on the Internet

The internet is one of the major means of communication and sources of information in the modern world. People often turn to forums and online articles in an attempt to find the answers to the questions concerning them. The accessibility of information can be beneficial if individuals can find reliable...

High Healthcare Costs as Organizational & Patient Issue

Organizational/Patient Issue Healthcare costs have been rising in the US compared to employees’ wages to access good healthcare. There is general anxiety among these workers that the issue of the high cost is not controlled. A time will come when workers will not access affordable healthcare for themselves and their...

Interdisciplinary Strategy in Healthcare

Introduction The proposal outlines the importance of health expert collaboration with different departments and stakeholders to eradicate and minimize medical errors through a behavior change plan. The theatre sector needs serious action taken for them to operate under strict measures to avoid blunders. The expected result would entail experts adapting...

Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare

In this presentation, I will: Present my personal interdisciplinary collaboration experience noting ways in which it was successful and unsuccessful in achieving desired outcomes; Identify how collaboration may affect results, and how poor collaboration can lead to inefficient management of financial and human resources; Identify the most appropriate leadership strategies...

Cultural Background and Mental Health Issues

Introduction My patient encountered in the clinical was a 65 years old female Muslim from African Ethiopia. She does not speak English, and she is very dedicated to her religion and culture. Her cultural background has affected her mental and physical health care in two ways. Firstly, due to her...

Healthy Dieting During the Pandemic

Diet is one of the most obvious and yet frequently overlooked aspects of wellness, as it has negative connotations related to eating disorders and sickness. However, I perceive diet as a way of eating concerning my body’s needs. For me, healthy dieting includes paying attention to the necessary food groups...

Making Decisions in Nursing Practice

Introduction Nursing decision-making depends on numerous factors to take into account to provide patients with qualified and ethical care. These factors include effective communication, the sustainability of leadership practices, teamwork success, employee personal readiness, and some other aspects. In conditions of constant interaction with the population, nurses should be aware...

The Coronavirus Infection Spread by Bats in China

This paper is devoted to the study and analysis of an article on the origin and transmission of coronaviruses’ bats on the territory of China by the scientific journal “Nature.” Additionally, this report includes a summary and generalization of a specific article related to biological sciences. The article was selected...

Prevention of Amoebic Gill Disease Affecting the Salmon Farming Industry

Introduction Amoebic gill disease, also known as (AGD) is a parasitic infection of the gills affecting a large number of fish species farmed in marine environments. The infection of these fish is mainly caused by Neoparamoba puritans, a recently described parasitic and free-living amoebae, which is the aetiological agent of...

Using Kantian Ethics in Medical Ethics Education

Introduction Since ancient times, humanity has been seeking for an answer on how to act properly in moral terms. What behavior can be considered appropriate, what we should and should not do – the questions of that kind remain debatable to this day. There are two main reasons why a...

The Healthcare Malpractice: Alternative Dispute Resolution

Abstract Medical disputes due to malpractice are a major problem between patients and healthcare providers. Although such cases can easily result in litigations, the entire process is not the most appealing conflict resolution pathway for both parties. Therefore, multidisciplinary alternative dispute resolution (ADR) can be a more effective approach to...

Education in Pakistan: Personal View

In Pakistan, the level of education is one of the lowest in the world. Girls do not have wide access to education due to a range of social and economic reasons. This problem is especially grave in the northern regions of the country such as Balochistan. Pakistan government does not...

Abolitionism and Reform in the Nineteenth Century: Changes and Social Countercurrents

In the early nineteenth century, American society underwent a series of significant social and economic reforms. Primarily, the abolitionism of slavery in North America led to the development of wage labor and production (Locke and Wright 222). At the same time, such a boom in industrialization and market revolution in...

Analysis of an Ethical Issue Using the Method of 7 Steps

Introduction In the modern world, many ethical issues occur related to almost all the areas of human activity, causing people around the world to question themselves regarding how they are supposed to treat others. People confront such issues on a daily basis, and when that happens, they have to make...

Guardianship Ethics: Case Study

The case study illustrates a lifeline of a young lady by the name of Veronica, who is a 13-year-old lady but already a heterosexual and Hispanic. Her parents parted ways while she was still young, and she was left with her mother to raise her. Her exposure began when her...

Reflective Essay on Social Work Skills

Explaining Confidentiality From my interview video recording, I effectively explained the concept of confidentiality to the client, what it encompasses, and its limitations. It is among the critical pillars of social work, which forms the foundation of a successful therapeutic relationship where highly sensitive, personal, and intimate emotions, thoughts, and...

Writing Clearly for Clients in Social Work Practice

Assessing the clients’ knowledge regarding prose, document, and quantitative data knowledge is an essential step for a human service practitioner. In the case presented, it can be assumed that both Maya’s and her daughter Shelley’s prose literacy will be on a high level, given their extensive background as school teachers....

Bacterial and Fungal Infections in Persons Who Inject Drugs

Bacterial and fungal infections numbers have significantly increased in individuals who use drugs through injection. The Center for Disease control highlights that the highest number of patients admitted to the western New York emergency department who injected themselves had the Staphylococcus aureus pathogen (Hartnett et al. 1). Almost all people...

Stages of Life and Influence of Age on Health Care From a Patient Perspective

Background The perceptions of a patient about health care vary with age. A caregiver often influences a patient to make healthier decisions in life. Some of the choices include smoking cessation, better dietary patterns, increasing physical activity, and compliance with cancer screening guidelines. Life stages impact these interactions, and a...

Opening a New Physician’s Office

The establishment of a new physician office requires the integration of dynamic elements to boost the customer service experience. The prominent factor in determining encompasses the nature of the specialty. It is crucial to focus on specialty treatment due to the ease in marketing and the segmentation of the vast...

The Role of Financing in Healthcare: Interview-Based Report

The field of financial management is extremely important in an organization that belongs to any industry. Growth and achievement of goals is the state that absolutely any organization in the world aspires for – otherwise it merely would not exist. Further are presented the characteristics of a financial manager working...

Bone Fracture Repair: the Summary

Fracture repair is usually divided into 3 or 4 significant steps or stages. These stages include the inflammatory phase, the repairing phase, and bone remodeling. In some cases, the repairing phase is divided into two steps, which are soft callus formation and hard callus formation. The entire process typically lasts...

Cancer Trends in Relation to Healthcare Management

Research on persistent and ongoing cancer trends can improve current treatment and care for cancer patients. Global Burden of Disease Cancer Collaboration (2017) argues that lung and breast cancer are the top two types of cancer for disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). Lortet-Tieulent et al. (2016) note colorectal one is the...

Healthcare: Cell Engineering Techniques

In contemporary medicine, cell engineering methods that rely on delicate organic synthesis are becoming more and more common. Thanks to chemical synthesis, profound molecular studies of the structure of receptors and envelopes that allow pathogenic viruses to cross the species barrier are becoming possible. The focus of this work was...

The EMR and EHR Systems: The Safety Features of Using

Electronic medical record systems refer to digital versions of the paper charts of health-related data on a patient that can be generated, collected, and referred by authorized clinicians and employees within one healthcare facility. On the other hand, an electronic health record is a digital version of a patient’s paper...

Leadership, Technology, and Informatics in Nursing

Introduction The aspect of leadership is noteworthy in the nursing career. Nurses should inculcate practical leadership skills as they engage in diverse daily practices to ensure quality care, which will promote patient safety. Nursing leadership can only be considered successful if the whole team accomplishes their promotion of quality care...

EHR and EMR Databases: Similarities and Differences

Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Electronic Health Records (EHR) are a modern way of collecting a patient’s data in a digital form; while both have many similarities, there are significant differences between them. EMR is a digital version of the patient’s charts and data from one practice that doctors can...

Hispanic Health Outcomes: Health Risk Behaviors and Diseases

Common health risk behaviors and diseases among Hispanics in the United States Latino population constitutes a significant part of the overall US population. According to Albert Einstein College of Medicine (2009), the percentage of Hispanic individuals is rapidly growing and reaches over 15%. Therefore, the health of this ethnicity is...

Cultural Competence in Nursing Practice

Introduction The concept of cultural competence refers to a person’s ability to effectively communicate and interact with people whose race, ethnicity, worldview, religion, gender, language, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status differ from their own. In nursing practice, cultural competence is of particular importance because it strongly affects the quality of...

CMSRN (Certified Medical-Surgical Registered Nurse)

What is CMSRN? CMSRN – Certified Medical-Surgical Registered Nurse credential; Available for medical-surgical nurses since 2003 (MSNCB, n.d.); Granted by MSNCB (medical-surgical nursing certification board); The next step for medical-surgical nurses; Grants both academic and practical skills and competencies. Why choose CMSRN certification? The primary benefits of the CMSRN certification...

Agency Synopsis and Their Relevance to the APRN/DNP

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) General information The main goal of the organization is to provide a healthy and safe working environment for citizens by designing the standards and providing training, education, and assistance. The organization has a federal level of authority (Michaels & Wagner, 2020). The organization covers...

Global Oral Health: Dental Decay in Various States

Introduction Global oral health conditions are many across the globe. Statistics from World Health Organization have shown that effects of global oral health conditions are increasing especially in low-income countries. While high-income countries are able to curb some of the worst conditions, low-income struggle to restrain these conditions (World Health...

Building a Learning Organization at OCHIN

Introduction The Oregon Community Healthcare Information Network (OCHIN) provides and coordinates technology for community healthcare providers. The mission was informed by the need to have a system that could process medical claims in a speedy way. OCHIN has a database that consolidates and allows access to medical records in the...

World Health Organization and Stewardship Approach

Introduction World Health Organization (WHO) is an international entity that is primarily concerned with global health. Despite the organization’s goal of enhancing healthcare and actionable strategies to achieve it, some people question its effectiveness. While a number of concerns are evidence-based, it is essential to acknowledge the necessity of WHO....

Polypharmacy in Heart Diseases Case

Patient Description Amber D. is a 76-year-old African American female living with her children in the suburbs. The patient has a history of two infarctions, and her primary diagnoses are congestive heart failure, hypertension, osteoarthritis, and hyperlipidemia. She has no recorded history of medication allergies. She takes: Metoprolol Succinate (50...

Health Care Policy for Advanced Practice Nurses

In general, health care policy currently refers to plans, decisions, and actions that should be considered and undertaken in order to achieve particular health care goals. It involves the creation, development, and implementation of specific rules, laws, and regulations for the management of the nations’ health care system. In turn,...

Communitarian Ethics: Case Study

In the described case, Betty faces a challenging situation and needs to decide on whether to accept the offer to visit the hotel in Hawaii. The purpose of visiting is to watch the demonstration of beds to purchase for the hospital. In this controversial situation, it is recommended for Betty...

Students’ Responsibility for Success at University

Introduction Learning is a process, and its success revolves around the effort a student puts into academics. Generally, those who are achievers in terms of university courses have outstanding characteristics. For instance, they are not only active in classwork but also responsible. The issue, therefore, is, that students who are...

Post-War Immigration of Holocaust Survivors

Introduction The Holocaust, or the genocide of European Jews during World War II, is one of the most tragic pages in world history. The deliberate murder of almost two-thirds of the Jewish population by Nazis became the illustration of horrifying violence and intolerance. In history lessons, a lot of attention...

Painting Project Standards: Visualizing

Jerram Barrs presents to creatives a way to critically analyze and design their creations before a presentation. His eleven are critical in ensuring a piece of art meets the expectations of the intended audience to avoid unsolicited negative perceptions. Nonetheless, it is essential to acknowledge that regardless of the standards,...

Appropriate Roles of Courts in a Democracy

Introduction Courts are a way of bringing sanity to a state or a nation, people can decide to come up with policies and rules that govern them, but when these rules have no base or something momentous about them, they become extraneous and pure bliss. This is why courts are...

The Concept of Crime Homicide: Innovative Problems of Criminal Law

Introduction Crimes against life, and especially homicide, pose an increased danger to society. For the correct assessment of the committed acts, their careful differentiation at the legislative level and transparent rules for determining criminal manifestations are necessary. Among the most important ways to ensure the human right to live in...

Neuroscience as a Method of Learning Theory

One of the newest and most interesting methods of research on learning theory today is educational neuroscience. Since today’s technology allows to accurately track brain activity in response to stimuli and external interference, this science can effectively improve education of both humans and animals. The scholars state that “new technologies...

Solar Power vs. Wind Power: Selection Criteria

Introduction The United States has embraced renewable energy solutions such as solar and wind power to promote sustainable development. Wind power was the largest renewable energy source in the US in 2019 with an estimated capacity of 105.591 megawatts (Hartman para. 8). Comparing available power sources is essential when choosing...

Wealth in “Paul’s Case” Short Story by Willa Cather

In the state of capitalism, money and income level determine an individual’s lifestyle, accommodations, level of safety, and position in society. Although Paul’s Case by Willa Cather was written more than a century ago, the struggles the main character experiences throughout the story and his perception of wealth relate closely...

Billy Graham’s Life and Ministry

American religious and public figure William Franklin Graham is a man called an All-American pastor and spiritual mentor; he was an adviser to many US presidents. Billy Graham was the first television preacher of the twentieth century who turned Christian sermons into a show and became a real-world star. Although...

Jack in The Box and Sonic Fast Food Restaurants’ Comparison

Burgers and fries are the American staples for fast food. Who doesn’t like double cheeseburgers, a large fry and a large drink? Many people from other countries come to the United States and want to try all the fast food. Customers can choose from different price segments and products, the...

Creating a Las Vegas Area Trip Proposal

Distance and Time Chart 1 day. (A→B) Las Vegas → Caliente, 105miles (170km) – 2.30 hours 2 day. (B→C) Caliente → Ely, 115 miles (184km) – 2.45 hours 3 day. (C→D) Ely→ Wells, 129 miles (208 km) – 3 hours 4 day. (D→E→F→G) Wells → Elko → Carlin → Battle...

Essay vs. Dialogue Rhetorical Styles in Galileo’s Works

The Assayer by Galileo Galilei is an essay first published in Rome in 1623, which is considered an outstanding example of works on the scientific method. This work presents Galilei’s revolutionary claims about the scientific method and the qualities of things. In this essay, the scientist analyzes why mathematics is...

Unjustness of United States Invasion of Vietnam

Introduction There has been a growing concern about the morality of interventions within the past few decades. Political scientists and international relations experts attempt to examine and describe the justice of war in a bid to ensure peace and tranquility across the globe. Various individuals hold different views regarding conflicts...

The Leadership Model in Netflix’s Policy

Introduction The Netflix Inc. hierarchy has a unitary and organizational structure that prioritizes performance over management. All the company’s key executives directly report to the CEO, excluding micromanagement. Main offices of Netflix Inc.: CEO – executive control. Content office – content production. General counsel’s office – legal issues, public policy....

The Hidden Costs of Coastal Hazards

Abstract Living organisms relate to each other and to the natural environment in which they live. The interaction of living organism with the surrounding environment can either be living (biotic) or non-living (non-biotic). Biodiversity in an ecosystem leads to a full scale complex integration of the organism into a cyclic...

Victim and Witness Programs: Contrasting the Emergence of the Victims’ Movements

In recent years, the well-being of victims and witnesses of crime has seen increased recognition. In this regard, new coping programs have been implemented to help them recover from damaging experiences. For example, the United States Department of Justice implements Victim/Witness Assistance programs at every U.S. Attorney’s Office (Department of...

Reemergence of Malaria in the United States

Drastic environmental and climate change, including global warming, is contributing to the spread of infectious diseases. Warming has a direct impact on the state of water resources. The permafrost is degrading, the number of floods is increasing, and wetlands are becoming more widespread. This leads to an increasing number of...

Foreign Affairs in the United States’ History

Introduction To become a global free-market nation and a leader of the Western world for which it is recognized today, the United States underwent several foreign affairs transitions that continue to define its policy. Starting from an isolationist position in the 19th century which the country largely maintained throughout its...

Boomburbs of America and Their Culture

Introduction The concept of a suburb is generally associated with being away from the center of a larger city and metropolitan area and representing a relatively less developed area. However, this stereotype is slowly falling apart in the United States in the middle of the emergence of the boomburbs and...

Juvenile Justice Defenders Comparison

Lately, juvenile justice has appeared with considerably more empathy towards youth and child-focused strategies. Moreover, the Supreme Court recognized the negative impact of harsh punishments and implemented policies that identify the consequences of such traumas and opt for the proper treatment of individuals. Consequently, it is now common for courts...

Gender Presentation in the Media

Media is a key source of information to the public and may utilize both men and women to communicate a given agenda that may be useful to society. Mostly, the media can build or distort the way gender is reflected in society. The purpose of this paper is to explore...

Prosocial Behaviors in Early Childhood

This paper explores prosocial behavior amongst children using videos from various online platforms such as YouTube, Desired Results (DRDP), and Eastern Connecticut State University (ECSU). Each video contains a varying number of children who are in a similar age range. All the children involved in this observation are, however, in...

Tourism in Authoritarian States: a Comparative Analysis of Cuba and North Korea

Abstract The present paper is dedicated to the importance of tourism in such authoritarian states as Cuba and North Korea (the DPRK). The present thesis aims to reveal the development of tourism sector in Cuba and the DPRK through the in-depth comparative analysis and evaluation of both countries. Both Cuba...

Social Media Impact on Language and Communication in Asia

Technology in the modern world is developing at a high speed, and social media has become one of the main sources of information. Social media has also changed the way people interact and communicate in industrial society, both online and in real life. China is one of the countries where...

Japanese Internment During WWII and Post-Internment Housing Discrimination

Introduction Every minority group in the United States of America has a characteristic history that is intricately linked to the nation’s history. These include famous examples such as the history of the African Americans who are a result of the slave trade, the Europeans who migrated to the US following...

Human Development in Adulthood

Introduction Change is a natural state for each period of the existence of any human being and adulthood is not an exception. People constantly evolve throughout their lives, from the time of conception to death. During the period of adulthood, an individual goes through numerous milestones from the perspectives of...

Discipline and Punishment Article by Telep

The article by Telep (2009) is a valuable source of information about the role of discipline in children’s upbringing and the harm of punishment on the child’s self-concept, behavior, and life choices. This article made me think about the complexity of the approaches to upbringing and the rationality of disciplinary...

Slavery: Cause and Execution of American Civil War

The role of slavery in initiating the American Civil War has strenuously been discussed over many years. In South America, African slavery was extensively practiced in the nineteenth century. Southern states wanted to do away with laws that did not support slavery and even extend it to the western territory....

Cultural Differences in Hospitality Industry

Introduction Culture is a fairly broad concept, especially when it comes to relationships between people. It includes the understanding, goals, and values that we inherited from previous generations and passed on to future generations. Culture is shaped by a wide range of environmental factors such as climate, legal systems, religion,...

The Relevance of Anthropology in Regard to COVID-19

COVID-19 pandemic had a major impact on a global scale, affecting not only public health but also the economy, politics, and sociocultural elements. Therefore, anthropology is highly relevant in the context of the pandemic because the problem and its solutions directly influenced the global society. During the outbreak, I became...

Leadership, Management, and Entrepreneurship

From an entrepreneurial perspective, nonprofit organizations cannot bring any substantial income because they carry out socially-oriented activities designed to address urgent problems for the benefit of people. The opinion that such organizations should operate as businesses is not well-reasoned. Moreover, from a legal perspective, profit accumulation can be viewed as...

Biosynthesis of Bioactive Compounds via Alcohol Fermentation

Introduction Alcohol fermentation using yeast has been implicated in the production of important bioactive compounds. Both Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces strains of yeasts undertake alcohol fermentation and produce key bioactive compounds. Through the melatonin pathway synthesis, melatonin is the final product, while “tryptophan (L-TRP), 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTRP), serotonin (5-HT), and N-acetyl-5-hydroxytryptamine (N-acetyl-5-HT)”...

Data Breach of Facebook and Health Net

Half a billion Facebook users experienced a breach of privacy via the social network through hacker activity. Names, birth dates, phone numbers, email addresses, and locations became accessible when posted by the hackers and appeared to be a few years old. Though the disclosure of the information mentioned above may...

Milgram’s Experiment and Related Unethical Issues

The experiment conducted by Milgram was associated with several issues that were considered unethical. The purpose of the experiment was to measure the level of obedience to the authority of an average person (Cave & Holm, 2003). The experiment included three people: the researcher, a participant, and an assistant of...

Africanism in the African American Culture

The recent increase in the number of African immigrants to the USA has drawn public attention to African Americans. One of the most complex, hence interesting, subjects is the extent to which they are still connected to their roots. According to the latest research outcomes, the primary sphere of life-based...

Aspects of Capital Budgeting

Introduction Capital budgeting is a significant concept in businesses that enables the selection of projects that will bring value. It involves a wide range of budgeting processes, including decisions on purchasing assets, acquiring land, or buying new machinery. Company decision-makers analyze the profitability of investment alongside putting into consideration its...

Abu Dhabi Company and Business Law in the UAE

Introduction: Description of the Business Establishment The name of my establishment is Abu Dhabi National oil company, and the company has the above logo. The company’s website is www.adnoc.ae. Due to the development in technologies, third parties can create and register domain names identical to the trademark of another company....

The War on Terror and Impact of the 9/11 Attack

Introduction The given analysis will primarily focus on the war on terror and its impacts on US foreign policy, the US economy, and the world. It is important to note that although many nations are involved in this conflict, the United States plays a central role in catalyzing and driving...

The Bhagavad Gita Overview

The terms duty, karma, and honor dominate the conversation between Arjuna and Lord Krishna (MascarĂł 23). Lord Krishna persuades his counterpart to continue battle when Arjuna is contemplating withdrawal because he does not want to see the killing of his loved ones. Arjuna is convinced that he would be subject...

Critical Infrastructure and Its Characteristics

Introduction The expression critical infrastructure refers to the assets of physical and logical systems required for economic and government minimal functioning. Critical means essential, assessed, examined, at or near a tipping point. Infrastructure is the overall word for a company, region, or nation’s core physical infrastructure. According to CISA, “critical...

Social Change in America and the World

The modern world has undergone changes in various aspects of human life: social, political, and economic. Social life cuts through education, religion, entertainment, fashion, drugs, to mention a few. In the United States of America, the Department of Justice has taken serious steps in ensuring justice for all races. The...

The Trip to Lagos as the Best Vacations

My best vacation happened when my family and I traveled together to Lagos, the largest city in Nigeria, and, come to think of it, Africa itself. It was, without a doubt, the single happiest and most memorable trip of my entire life. Traveling to Lagos from Imo state was entertaining...

School Shooters: Parkland Shooting Example

The problem of school safety has been in the public’s attention for an extended time. The mass shooting that occurred at Majority Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, and resulted in 17 deaths, including 14 students and 3staff members, stressed the problems with the security systems at schools. The...

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

Market-seeking FDI is an investment undertaken to exploit new markets or sustain existing markets (Dunning & Lundan, 2008, p.70). For instance, because of tariffs and other barriers, the company may relocate production to host country where exporting had served it previously. The key factors that encourage this kind of investment...

Influence of Social Media on Individuals

Social media makes individuals more narcissistic as it establishes the standards of what is considered beautiful. The presence of millions of selfies forces persons to compare themselves to what they see online. Furthermore, the studies show that narcissism develops more rapidly among people who frequently post and update socials (McCain...

Obama’s Legal Authority on Operation Geronimo

At a glance, terrorist threats posed by Islamist groups have spread concerns to every corner of the world. Some harmful military troops include Al Qaeda from Arabian Peninsula, the Islamic State in Iraq, the Al-Shabaab in Somalia, Boko Haram in Nigeria, or Jemaah Islamiyah in Southeast Asia. In a public...

The Taxes and Qualified Retirement Plans

Quarterly estimated tax payments must be made by taxpayers every quarter, and to be more precise, it is usually April 15, June 15, September 15, and January (IRS, n.d.). Social Security Tax has been paid in America since 1937 (SSA, n.d.). The tax rate has been constant over the years,...

Labour Organization’s Improvement Initiative

The work organization processes in large companies always push their owners to make certain improvements. Basically, a large enterprise can be roughly divided into two departments – factory workers and office workers. These two categories have their own individual needs and requirements for the workplace. This analysis will focus on...

The University’s Physician Assistant Program

I would like to apply to Ashton University and complete the Physician Assistant program because I have always wanted to provide help to underserved communities. To do it, I will need to develop specific skills required to become a world-class physician and help people regardless of their health disparities, social...

World War II: Causes, Course, and Consequences

Introduction World War II is the most devastating international conflict in history, which affected all countries. It reshaped the economic and political patterns of their interaction and forged a new path for their scientific and technological development. Therefore, it is vital to examine the causes, course, and consequences of World...

Reconstruction: Successes and Reasons of Failure

Reconstruction is a process that occurred after the Civil War when the federal Union was rebuilding its territories after the Southern states destroyed them. Reconstruction continued from 1865 to 1877, and its main goal was to restructure the South and help it reunite with the federal Union again (Guelzo, 2018)....

Government Policies Against Inequality

Inequality is an issue with a long history taking its roots thousand years ago. As the societies started growing in population, the inequality based on gender or race started occurring. The government as a source of legislative power must take action in order to minimize inequality and provide equal opportunity...

Roman Concept of Religion and Relationships in the Mortal World

The Roman Empire is known as a vast Empire spreading from north-western Europe to the Near East. In this multicultural and multiethnic history, numerous religions could be found, which is why it is hard to use a singular form of the word “religion” because it unites a variety of small...

Sleep Paralysis as a Psychological Phenomenon

Sleep paralysis is a well-known phenomenon closely linked with the process of waking up and, in some cases, falling asleep. During such a state, it is not possible to move or speak, yet a person is usually aware. Hallucinations are also frequently a part of sleep paralysis, provoking the development...

Children’s Learning Styles: Article Summary and Reflection

The article published by Ability Path (2020) and entitled Children’s learning styles provides a comprehensive exploratory overview of the different learning approaches children commonly use when acquiring new knowledge or skills. The authors of the article argue that every person has their preferred learning style depending on how they best...

World War I: The Maritime Blockade of Germany

The British Blockade of Germany should be considered more deadly – although there are several opinions on that matter. For the history of existence of U-boats, they have sunk a significant number of merchant ships, the blockade was a powerful strategy that, among others, led Germany to its demise in...

Police Corruption and Tampering With Evidence

Introduction Police corruption has become rampant over the past decade as many departments and countries globally struggle with the vice. Police corruption is grave misconduct as the officers abuse their power for personal gain. Police corruption hinders the public from getting the required service from the disciplined officers and taints...